there is no god and bugs bunny is his name

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by stochastix, Nov 14, 2020.

  1. QED.

    Saw a cute girl in the grocery store. Then saw on her facebook page tons of stuff about the mark of the beast, conspiracies, cannibals, all sorts of weird shit.

    Religion is poison.
  2. Crash101


    Stochastix, its a very valid point. There is a difference between Christianity and Religion and its about you or your personal take on it. Its an individual thing. There have been many religions through the years and if you have read Chaucer, its a very good book, it describes religion as poisonous, corruption etc so you are not far wrong. However, Christianity is different, its not about an institution, its not about a church, its not anything other than what you believe. This is the difference. So its a mute point and I hope you have a fantastic day!
  3. SunTrader


    QED - word.
  4. newwurldmn


    ???? Christianity is the most religion religion out there. Most of major religions before it didn’t push conversion. Many of them pushed philosophies with deep meaning instead of a book we are asked to take literally.
  5. Crash101


    No, the book has been written by humans as being the word of god and passed down through the centuries.

    Religion is the cause of more wars and conflict on the planet.

    Christianity, to me, you may have a different view, is not about an institutional church, however that might be, and your interpretation and your beliefs. There, as with all things, is no one written way of doing something, and Christianity fits that spot. If your belief is to say x is y and y is z with no flexibility of thought, which you are welcome to do, but your job can not be how I see my Christianity. It is an individual part of my makeup. It has nothing to do with a Church or institutionalised religion.

    So good luck with that!
