There Aren’t Enough Millionaires: The rich can’t fund our deficits.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Mercor, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    they are the problem. just like they are the problem in nearly everything they try to get involved in. housing, student loans, the post office, the rail system, health care, etc.

    the solution is letting the states handle their own system as they are closest to it.
    #31     Mar 14, 2011
  2. The doctor doesn't say eat less and exercise down the road.

    He says to do both.

    We need to do both, now.

    #32     Mar 14, 2011
  3. Ricter


    So this goes back to my first question. You say it is the problem, so it stands to reason that societies without government involvement in education should be the same societies beating us in education, right?
    #33     Mar 14, 2011
  4. As the Constitutional originally provided...

    The States were empowered to "take care of their own business"... with certain, LIMTITED, powers granted to the Feds.

    Over time the Feds have usurped more and more of states' powers... up to the current point where the Feds and White House act like an all-powerful oligarchy.
    #34     Mar 14, 2011
  5. One of my favorite quotes:
    The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then get elected and prove it.

    The one makes promises it can't keep, or afford, and the other makes a living pointing that out while keeping the corporate wheels greased at the expense of the taxpayer.
    #35     Mar 14, 2011
  6. Lucrum


    You talking about the rich in your native Canada or the rich here in the sates?

    If the Candian rich shouldn't you be writhing your representative?
    If the U.S. rich...well I guess there's not much you can do.
    #36     Mar 14, 2011
  7. Gabfly is talking out his ass yet again...

    Total taxes (not just Federal Income Tax) paid by moderately high earners in the US can easily be 60%... and in some cases, >80%.

    What the Hell do people want? More than that?
    #37     Mar 14, 2011
  8. So you address the most innocuous part of my post, because I was willing to accept the numbers you presented at face for the purposes of my argument, yet you entirely overlook the sum and substance of my argument? Is that your coy way of saying, "I got nothing?"
    #38     Mar 14, 2011
  9. Yep, I've gone off the deep end. Off my rocker completely so you guys are claiming. I wasn't off anything when I had that spotlight zoomed in on the radical left, was I? We had us a good old time exposing their bullshit, didn't we? But then I decided to swing that light around 180 degrees and see what the right was up to. My O My, what an uproar over that. Can't expose the bullshit of the right now can we? And the one's squealing the loudest are those claiming no real party favorites. Independents, Libertarians, or so they say.
    Let's review where I went, "Off the deep end". It all started when I pointed out that if we're going to bailout the banks, then we must bailout GM. If the guys that brought us down get a pass, then so must everyone else. If the billionaires get their public aid in the form of tax breaks, then the unemployed get their 99 weeks of unemployment. And on and on.
    Do I think the unemployed should get 99 weeks of compensation? Hell no! Do I think Unions should get a free ride? Hell no! Do I think the Obama administration has a clue? Hell no! But bullshit, hypocrisy and double standards are what they are, and when I see them I will expose them, regardless of which party is committing them.
    You see, I haven't changed my position at all. I still think this government is corrupt top to bottom. Corporate America serves themselves and themselves only, and is probably the greatest threat to our freedom. Illegal immigration runs a close second behind that. Our bought and paid for government turns a blind eye and deaf ear to both threats allowing corporations and illegals to run our country into the ground.
    Give me a Buchanan/Dobbs ticket, and I'd be happy. The rest aren't worth the price of a bullet it would take to get rid of them.
    #40     Mar 14, 2011