Theological discusssion

Discussion in 'Politics' started by morganist, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. stu


    Morals are what humans agree on as right and wrong.
    Nothing else.
    Condoning slavery for one example shows how God would be no proper judge of morality.
    #111     Jul 11, 2011
  2. jem


    if you could only once write something which is not rabid atheist, people could take you more seriously.

    Where do morals come from? How did they become widely accepted. How did they contribute to law. In law is there a rule vs principle paradox?

    are some morals absolute.
    for instance though shall not commit and unlawful homicide?

    where did such a moral come from.

    When jefferson spoke of our liberties and rights being endowed by our Creator was his enshrining morals in out the fabric of our country?

    1. there is a larger school of philosophic thought which says morals come from natural law.

    Plato talks about the shadows in the cave and how we should strive to get at the perfect ideas.

    much of todays modern days morals have been formed by Judeo Christian ethics.

    its why the 10 commandments were and typical still are in every courtroom in the United States.

    its why the U.S. supreme court opens with a prayer.

    The law is a way to enforce many of the morals we consider important.


    your statement is far to simple. First of all, who says the bible is set up to be moral code. The point of the old testament seems to be that you were know who the true God is by the fact that he keeps his promises to his people.

    what type of slavery was being condoned?

    the bible condemns slavery in which a man is stolen and sold?

    clearly the God did not like the type of slavery which was established in egypt.

    #112     Jul 11, 2011
  3. RobtF


    Altruism and group co-operation provided an evolutionary advantage.
    #113     Jul 11, 2011
  4. stu


    Rambling nonsense.

    Non of which addresses the question where did morals come from.

    Just because you need threats of punishment from an imaginary bully called God to behave morally, does not mean morals come from an imaginary bully.
    The fact that you think in bible terms of 'types of slavery' indicates how religion is a source of eminently immoral ideas.

    Morganist suggest disease and severe adverse consequence in general is the guide for setting standards of moral behavior through punishment.
    As if laying lethal traps for reacting to ordinary natural drives can be right as a moral principle.

    Would you consider something commanded by God is moral because it is found to be moral, or because it is commanded by God?
    How can it in any way be morally correct to blindly accept something because it is commanded by God, without checking first that it is actually moral?

    Morals like humans evolve from what most affects well being.
    #114     Jul 12, 2011