The welfare state is destroying the West

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Grandluxe, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. So... (1) Tax increase reduces money/spending from the private sector... (2) to offset that fiscal drag, increase the deficit by the amount of tax increase???

    Isn't that like getting kicked in the nuts after you've been kicked in the nuts?

    Talk about voodoo economics...

    #21     Dec 4, 2012
  2. Yeah seriously.

    So the only reason for the tax increase is to punish rich people? He's basically conceding it will hurt the economy.
    #22     Dec 4, 2012
  3. Not only to punish the rich people, but to intentionally hurt the economy... YES!

    He's anti employment and anti success. The more people he gets onto the dole, the greater the Democrat majority to continue/increase the dole... thus solidifying Democrat stronghold on government.

    I think we're "past the point of no return". The only possible hope I can envision is that after 4 more Odumbo years, the deficit and inflation are raging and unemployment is soaring. Republicans or Libertarians could run on the platform that "Odumbonomics doesn't work"... and promise major, MAJOR reform is tax and regulatory policies... ones which would encourage growth and employing Americans. I doubt that will happen, but I think it's our last hope.

    #23     Dec 4, 2012
  4. Ricter


    A month ago Romney was your "last hope". Now your last hope is four years out. Lol.
    #24     Dec 4, 2012
  5. TGregg


    Am I the only one who remembers The One replying to a question about raising taxes and bringing in less revenue? He said (more or less) that it was about "fairness" rather than revenue and defended raising taxes even if it meant less money.
    #25     Dec 4, 2012
  6. Peter principle. friggin ignoramus.

    A couple of my kids work in fast food. Everything and I mean every policy is promoted to ensure fairness. Do you know how this works out in real life. The uninteded consequences of "fairness: creates unfair policies. Someone is always getting screwed.
    #26     Dec 4, 2012
  7. What he calls "fairness", ,most people call class warfare or punishing people because they have been successful.

    There's more to it though. A consistent theme of all Obama's plans is to screw people who tend to vote republican and reward his own supporters. Guess that's his Chicago training.

    Thus his insistence on additional "stimulus" spending, which is code for payoffs to his supporters. And the best part, it's all paid for by republicans.
    #27     Dec 4, 2012
  8. We're going to have to listen to all this for the next 4 years.:(.

    and we still have to set up a defense fund for Dunn.:(.

    and Zimmer wants yet more money.:(.

    #28     Dec 4, 2012
  9. pspr


    You're causing my blood pressure to rise, AAA.
    #29     Dec 4, 2012