The Weiner Is Toast

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. We are a tabloid country. A fake moral outrage country, it's like watching a car wreck and seeing the bodies hauled out of the car. I'm not much of a gossip, used to be in my younger days but I guess I out grew it. Stuff like this is meaningless, it has no bearing on his abilities, good or bad. Brett Farve turned out to be a little bit different in his approach to women too, but it doesn't change how he did his job. Don't know why anyone cares except for entertainment value. As long as they aren't messing with kids I don't care what they do.
    #21     Jun 6, 2011
  2. BSAM


    Hmmm...So, character doesn't count for decision makers in the United States anymore?

    Having a job as a "leader" of the country is a might bit different than throwing a football, in my books.
    #22     Jun 6, 2011
  3. Yes he should go
    #23     Jun 6, 2011
  4. pspr


    We'ren't Arnold and the weiner twitter friends and exchanging pics with each other? Probably in the same club with Tiger.

    Neither one of them deserve their wives even if they are super liberals. Divorce the bastards and take their money.

    Arnold is a hasbeen that won't make it in the movies or politics now. Watch him in the big flop at the movies for the end of that career.

    Weiner won't last in Congress. He's quickly becoming burnt toast. Even the Democrats know he will only harm their brand if he stays.
    #24     Jun 6, 2011
  5. BSAM, leaders and powerful men have been screwing around forever. Look it up.
    #25     Jun 6, 2011
  6. LEAPup


    I'm getting a T-shirt made this week that says, "I wish I was a Democrat."
    (Dumbocrat in reality) None the less, if I were a dumbocrat politician, I could:
    Evade taxes
    Spend YOUR money getting chicks
    own assault weapons while telling YOU that YOU cannot
    call people niggers
    get paid big $$$ by unions who are basically the mafia without the Italian suits, etc.,

    Oh yes, the recently passed away Robert C Byrd D, WV, said on Larry King a few years ago when he saw white people doing what he didn't approve of: "Well, they're nothing more than white niggers." Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If he were a Repub, he would have been hung from the tallest tree in DC! Unreal!

    He was also a KKK member "back in the day," BUT keep in mind he was a Dumbocrat, and there is no wrong in their World, nor did ANYONE ask him to be removed from office after the Larry King comments.

    Hello America?!?!? Is anyone home?:confused:
    #26     Jun 6, 2011
  7. pspr


    Half the people here who voted in my poll say they will vote for Obama in 2012. So, the answer to your question seems to be, "NO!" The Sheeple rule.
    #27     Jun 7, 2011

  8. Did you forget how the right left the country when they were in control?
    Do you really want to go back to a republican controlled house, senate and president. We haven't finished fixing the republicans fuck ups yet.
    #28     Jun 7, 2011
  9. I love it when dudes do press conferences; fags!

    I didn't know anything about this big story until I was reading Stern Fan Network.

    Reviled by the press; a man to look up to.

    Though no one had as big a pimp hand as Spitzer--my personal HERO!

    I guess this guy is a democrat and he likes chicks after being married for many years; is this really news?

    Cell phones destroy relationships--I decided.

    If you had a name that was Weiner; would you not be PROUD and take pride in your press conference and tell the masses that yes--I like sending pictures of my 'weiner' to chicks--it gets me laid.

    Politics is a pussy party--U.S. puritans lose again.

    After all of this he will probably apologize to his wife and beg her forgiveness as he shutters at the thought of his $$$ cut in 1/2.

    Does he have kids; who cares.

    Politics should be run by women at this point in America.


    p.s. He was texting some jewish Nevadan whore and praised her bj skills--he should be ashamed of himself!
    #29     Jun 7, 2011
  10. You guys don't think our founding fathers were having sex. My bet is they were and just like our leaders today, some of them liked to get freaky with someone other than their wife. Get over the fake outrage men, it ain't no big deal. It is good entertainment though.
    #30     Jun 7, 2011