Title: The Way To Trade Author: John Piper Has anyone purchased this electronic book and if so would you recommend it? Thanks ~EC
I read the book, it cover trader psychology and market profile. Not a must read but on other hand you may learn something new.
Have read it in the electronic version and returned it for a full refund. It's OK, but not worth the price. Get 'High Probability Trading'. This book is really good. Destined to become a classic.
I bought it for cheap on amazon but look like they all gone due to the new push in marketing of Mohan (this book is on Mohan recom reading list) http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/t...f=sr_1_2/103-4783694-5411839?v=glance&s=books ...and electron learn nothing apparently.
I did not learn anything that I would not know already. Kinda good to highlight certain things, but very weak on details. If you can get it cheap, then go for it, otherwise, I don't think it makes sense to buy it. The other book I mentioned is more meaty.