The War For The Internet Has Begun

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by marketsurfer, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. There are huge changes pending for the internet--how can stock traders profit from this shift?

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  2. piezoe


  3. piezoe


    I suspect that the real problem is that these up-download services like Kim dot com are shielding the real perpetrators of copyright infringement from prosecution by making it very difficult if not impossible to identify those who have illegally shared copyrighted material.

    If you don't know, and can't find out, who illegally shared your copyrighted material, how is it possible to prosecute them? I think that is very likely what lies at the bottom of this issue.
  4. dcvtss


    These services are for people who are not savvy, there are many other ways to share files with real anonymity, which these services do NOT provide. The fact is the sharers, hackers and black hats will always be ahead of the "authorities" and white hats simply because that's where the best talent goes. The file sharing genie is out of the bottle and despite the efforts of the entrenched interests that oppose it to implement a more and more draconian internet I don't think it's going back in the bottle.

    Unfortunately, the war for the web (not the entirety of the internet) in general is just about won by the gigantic monied interests already. A major victory for them was the creation of the new "open" top level domains (TLD's). This allows the large players to have their own domains, for example the apple store becomes - this will have the effect of pushing only corporate sites to the top of the search results for anything relating to them, ensures that their marketing-speak and PR bullshit drowns anything independent out. Think of the effect of this when it comes to news, sites like cnn, fox news, new york times, etc will dominate search results even more than they do now. I can see it now, .com becomes relgated to local plumbers and increasingly irrelevant. Incidentally, the fee for applying for one of these new domains is $185k dollars -

    In my opinion another inevitable step will be the implementation of full blown two factor PKI for interacting with your bank or making any other financial transaction on the web, the reason for this will be the continued hacking and ID theft incidents befalling the financial and retail sectors. My guess is this will be implemented through the state DMV's but the details aren't as important as the end result - a real physical identity that will have to be used when online. Real world examples of this already exist in the US government space and in large companies -
  5. You are welcome. I concur, that interview is a must view for anyone who has no clue about what we are talking about OR care about what's happening. It's truly unreal to see a government abuse it's powers like it has in this matter.
  6. Interesting, thanks for the info.
  7. Megaupload provided open access to any copyright owner to remove their material--- yet very few did.
  8. no opinion, just subscribing to thread
  9. piezoe


    My concern was not so much whether the illicit material could be removed by the copyright holder, but more whether or not the copyright holder could at their option prosecute the offender. Obviously, if they can't identify who the offender is, they can't prosecute.

    dcvtss says that this New Zealand file sharing site does not maintain anonymity, so those who are doing something illegal can be tracked down and prosecuted. So why is the FBI going after this guy? What law has he broken? We only have one side at this point, but it isn't clear he has broken any law from what we know so far. Frankly, this whole business of the FBI chasing after this guy in New Zealand is a little disturbing.
  10. FBI are the soldiers of the Mafia? whoops, I mean USA,
    #10     Jul 29, 2012