The Vatican

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by RainMaker3000, Dec 22, 2020.

  1. Good1


    This higher moral ground makes you look good by comparison. Is that the objective?
    #11     Dec 27, 2020
  2. what is "higher moral ground"? For there is only one truth. Not to cast stones at the feet of the blind, but to shine light for the seeing...
    #12     Dec 27, 2020
  3. Good1


    Are you saying catholic brand christians are blind? And that you see enough to shine light for them? This is what i mean by higher moral ground. But what light are you shining? I ask, because it appears you are casting stones at their feet.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
    #13     Dec 27, 2020
  4. A good example is the supposed language of Aramaic, an invented language by the Roman, which means "like gold", Arum translates to gold, ic is a suffix associated with like of. What do you call that? Blind deception or casting stones at people's feet? First, you have to heal the blind so they don't stone the wrong person...
    #14     Dec 29, 2020
  5. There is Mankind, singular, woman thinks she has a right because she doesn't have one. That is why women congregate amongst wicked evil men...evildoers know themselves by the malice in their hearts and silver tongues of the devil...
    #15     Jan 2, 2021
  6. Good1


    Is there a way i can get back the 15 minutes of my life that i spent wondering about the details of the OP's motives?
    #16     Jan 2, 2021
    #17     Jan 8, 2021
    #18     Jan 9, 2021
  9. Good1


    Henry The VIII started out Catholic but eventually made himself the head of his own, "Anglican" church with Protestant overtones...because of lust, and strange traditions about having male heirs. The Catholic church didn't allow divorce, so he employed the help of Protestant theologians to craft his own home-brewed salvation. Six wives later he finally got a son, but not before getting two daughters.

    Anyone who defied Henry VIII, and even a few who did not defy him, were railroaded into cruel, merciless, painful and/or bloody executions, sometimes preceded by torture to get confessions (truth be damned) and/or names of conspirators (to share your fate). You would give up names or a confession to get them to ease up on the tortures, only to be executed anyway, dragged through the streets, and either burnt, or hung, drawn and quartered, in front of a crowd of gawkers, without mercy. Sometimes they would cut off your genitals while you are hanging...while you are still alive...right before disemboweling you, while you watched them burn your bowels.

    This did Henry, and all three of his children, as each took their turn on the throne of England starting with the young boy first. Each time the throne changed hands, the religion of the ruler changed, and with the ruler, the official religion of the entire kingdom.

    The boy asserted the made up new religion of his father. Next, his older sister pressed the entire nation back to Catholicism. That was "bloody Mary". Finally, the next sister, Elizabeth the First, swung the pendulum back to the phoney new religion made up by Henry VIII and his crafty theologians and lawyers. He used the kingdoms best lawyers to seize most (all?) the old monestaries, grabbing their wealth for his own coffers.

    There are several YouTubes describing the various political prisoners who were executed under this psychopathic family. In those days politics and religion were mixed, and you could be executed for preaching Anglicanism under one government, and be hung for helping Catholic priests under the next government.

    Here, for example is the history of the tragic execution of Anne Line, who was hung by Elizabeth for helping a couple of priests escape capture when authorities raided the illegal "Mass" they were holding in her house:

    Notice how she stood up for her religion, and even on the scaffold, voiced regret she couldn't have saved many more priests. Notice how resolute and brave she was.

    Now notice how foolish and stupid you look. You are like a little boy, come to gawk at the execution of Anne Line, and throw rotten tomatoes as she is led to the gallows in a rickety old cart... tomatoes your Protestant parents gave you to throw...knowing nothing about theology yourself. You, a theological little boy, would shit your pants if you were questioned, and then charged, by the same bigoted tribunal she had to face.

    Go then, and leave the salvation of Catholics up to me...because Anglicans can't save Catholics, nor can Catholics save Anglicans, just as the blind cannot lead the blind. For the same reason, you cannot save a Catholic by whatever the hell complex you currently have about God and/or yourself.

    Go home, little child, and leave these things up to me.
    #19     Jan 12, 2021
  10. Anyone can come up with a sob story and find the reason behind why people should shed tears for them, the fact is in the old words of a Hebrew " they cover the faces of the judges and deceive to the whole world", what do you take me for? Theology? Since when did "God" need translation? I get it, so it can be used against the masses since belief in superstition is more powerful than reason. Little boy? funny, it seems your catholic friends are into little boys. Careful with your words old man, stick with the heart medication you're on and that old hag you call a wife. Leave the things of divinity to the divine...
    #20     Jan 12, 2021