The US Future Looking Brighter....Algae...The Chevy Volt

Discussion in 'Politics' started by libertad, Dec 2, 2007.


    It is very encouraging to see how things could change..
    with regards to oil dependence...

    $2.00 oil cost equivalents would put algae at the most efficient levels of Saudi production... HON thinks so among others...and would thus leave no upness...regarding fuel economics to the oil welfare states...
    Also it can be noted that algae would be many times more efficient than sugar cane based ethanol which is now the best current option...and would be removed from the food competiton equation...Chevron is working on this as we speak.....others will follow...

    This is now up to the oil deficient developed countries to carry out...the sooner the better...

    When combined with the likes of the GM Volts capabilities...which could be in production by can have hope for a better future...

    If the US carries this out...along with structural tax a consumption tax only...then the oil welfare well as Asian threats....will be benign...and sugar cane will be produced for sugar...and the oil welfare states will be very very third worldly...again...hoping to import US goods including fuel and Chevy Volts...and moving their production bases to the USA...where taxes are more favorable...and the workforce more educated...
  2. Mvic


    Good article libertad, watch out of the peak oil fanatics. By the way I agree, human ingenuity and business freindly environment is what can save the US if the government will just stop incentivizing the staus quo. If we get someone in 2008 who's policies incentivize progress then watch out world. IMO the best candidate so far in that respect would be Ron Paul.
  3. xiaodre


    If Ron Paul doesn't win the Republican primary, would you vote for a Democrat?
  4. I'm what I think would be considered a "disafffected Republican". I have always voted Republican in the past. The Bush administration has been a disaster, IMO, for the nation and Republican party. I like Ron Paul's ideas, even if some are a bit radical, and even donated $10 to his campaign. Ron Paul would govern as the Constitution provides for, and that would be a refreshing change.

    A 2nd choice among the Republicans would be Mike Huckabee, but he has a big problem in my book being pro the idiotic Iraq war.

    Of the Democrats, Bill Richardson, who may not have any better chance than Ron Paul, seems pretty reasonable.

    Neither Hillary or Obama will get many disaffected Republican votes, I don't think, and certainly not mine. I don't see that either offers anything but more hot air and more taxes for me to shoulder to the equation.

    The big problem with the Algae or Switchgrass fuel solutions is that they might be 10 or 20 years away if they can be made to work. No commercial sized plant is producing either that I know of at present. We desperately need to stop importing foreign oil before it bankrupts us.
  5. Excellent Commentary All....

    As everyone throughout the world already knows...the Iraq war is all about efficient oil production 90 cents to $3.00 per barrel....
    Venezuela...Norway...other oil regions cost much more....
    Why do you think HAL changed its headquarters to Dubai...
    They are right to do so....Oil or any other business...the low cost producer wins...Over $2 trillion has been committed to Iraq for cheap oil...would have been a lot better to have committed $2 trillion to algae....something that would secure US independence...and created a major export to Asian countries...and even oil welfare states where the production costs are above $20 such as Venezuela...Venezuela would go back to exporting bananas to the Bronx...and Saudi Arabia would go back to nothing....

    This is why $2.00 algae oil is so important...and companies such as HON...thinks it can be done......This achievement will render all other biofuel and ethanol efforts basically worthless businesses because of high costs and food competition...Sugar cane will no longer be competitive...and sugar cane is many times better than corn fuel production currently...

    Also the Chevrolet Volt is an amazing vehicle....and you bet will be copied all over the place...Kudos to GM...

    With the structural consumption tax change....There will be a lot of foreign businesses wanting to relocate to the US....

    The future is indeed promising and exciting...

    $2.00 me $2.00.....

    Goodbye oil welfare states...and pollution !!!

    The US has got to get a good leader....
  6. Other articles have focused on how algae production could be used to help dramatically reduce CO2 and other pollutants from power plants. If it were promoted instead of scrubbers and CO2 sequestration, it would actually become much cheaper. As long as we can freely produce global warming gases, without cost, then things like coal will always look cheap.
  7. moo
