The US Fed and What Should be Next.....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. Bernake is trying to help the current situation , but he has only one tool, interest rates...whose effects are very limited. This is like telling a mechanic to fix a complex car problem with a pair of pliers.

    What has to happen is an absolute change in risk measurement
    and valuation.

    Risk measurement has to be clear, and the markets for the instruments must be as liquid and as visible as treasury bills.

    Tax structure has to be changed such that future money flows can be adequately accounted for....This is why a consumption tax is of paramount importance.

    Legal largesse has to be removed...gone should be the day that a company is subject to inefficient and large legal risks....which today have to be added to the current risk equation as well...

    Also....someone on the political side, particularly the President has to understand these concepts, or nothing can happen.

    Also the energy required to secure production must be stabilized, as oil is becoming more and more unstable, adding further monetary and time risks to production. An energy base must be re-established to make this part of the production equation stable...

    And normalcy must come back into the currency such that a normal income person can save realistically and have an interest rate attractive enough so that he can live a comfortable retirement.

    These items must be sought for and understood by the people that can do something about it....