The US Becoming Socialist By Default ? What to Do....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. gnome


    I don't know... but simply leaving probably would not protect his assets.
    #31     Jul 26, 2008

  2. It's easier to whine and point a finger at someone else.

    Stating that the voter is too fat and lazy to educate themselves about the issues is a pathetic excuse for the current failure.

    The excuse that the voter is too busy is a invalid excuse. The average voter has enough time to stay up-to-date on the latest sports stats and brittney spears.

    You aren't living in China. The problem is the voter, not the politician.
    #32     Jul 26, 2008
  3. opt789


    The way things are going I have actually considered leaving myself. Switzerland looks appealing, clean, nice, good healthcare, and great public schools. I was surprised to hear that they actually pay their high school teachers about $120k per year.

    America is apparently the only country to still tax you if you live full time in another country, and they make it very difficult to give up your citizenship. Additionally, congress passed a law that it is actually illegal to give up your citizenship in order to avoid taxation, so even if you give up your citizenship and move to another country the US can still come after you for taxes for 10 years. So much for the "land of the free".
    #33     Jul 26, 2008
  4. Cesko


    You aren't living in China. The problem is the voter, not the politician.

    Problem is a system. Exclude people without property or banking account(of certain size) people living off taxpayers money, federal and state employees (They call themselves public servants don't they?) from voting process and things will get much better in a few years.
    #34     Jul 26, 2008
  5. Cesko


    Social democracy is such a retarded system that you can compare it to the company where a janitor has an equal decision making power like CEO.
    #35     Jul 26, 2008
  6. 377OHMS


    Hmm, is this true?
    #36     Jul 26, 2008
  7. opt789


    I wouldn't have posted it if it wasn't.
    "The problem is, unless you're well-heeled enough to afford top-drawer international tax advisers on both ends and start to plan your break years in advance, the IRS is going to have its hooks in you for 10 years after you trade allegiances."
    #37     Jul 26, 2008
  8. wjk


    I would add to this statement that not only are Americans uninformed, but disinformed. Most major media are now propaganda machines for the candidates that fit their ideology. I believe we wouldn't have half the senators, reps, and many past presidents if we had an unbiased, honest media. Most people will not inform themselves, but will vote what they hear from the media.

    Wonder how many people posting have actually been to either candidate's senate web sights. When my republican friend fell in love with Obama for no reason other then he liked the way he sounded giving speeches, I decided to visit Obama's senate web sight so I might send links about how everything my friend stands for is opposite of Obama's beliefs. Finally got through to him in the end, I hope.

    I read articles on line from both left and right about him. The voting record of a politician speaks volumes. IMO, a voting record filled with "presents" doesn't warrant a vote at all. It demonstrates weakness, or it hides a belief for political expediency.

    Didn't take me long to realize I would have problems voting for him just on his voting record, even though I had already made up my mind based on the company he kept for many years. Yet, many of the things I read about this guy are not reported by most. Those that do report these things are vilified by the big boy media.

    Until, and if we ever get an honest, unbiased media, we will not really know who we are voting for unless we take a little time and do a little homework. Many won't do that, thus we deserve what we get. Fucked.

    I considered sitting this one out. I honestly hate voting lesser of evils, but even though I'm not a fan of Mccaine's record, he will take less from me then his opponent. That is enough to hold my nose and pull the lever.

    Ask yourself this question. Which party is more likely to lower the level we define as wealth? You wont have to make more money to become wealthy under a certain party. They will define down wealth to increase the givers and reward the takers.
    #38     Jul 26, 2008
  9. This is the root of the problem. The US population is largely retarded, and we get the government we deserve.

    Short of another American Revolution, repealing the 16th Amendment would set America right again. That is really all that's needed. Less money (for the government), less mischief. Apportioned taxation would force individual political awareness, and at the same time, end populist (soak the rich) politics.
    #39     Jul 26, 2008
  10. It was 10 years taxation on US source income. The law was recently changed. Now if you renounce, you must pay tax on all unrealized capital gains. I do not believe the 10 years of tax is still in effect.
    #40     Jul 26, 2008