The Twitter Trading Strategy

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by BOC, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. BOC


    How's this: Follow the Fruitcake-in-Chief's Twitter account and when he tweets something that will positively/negatively affect a stock/sector/market GO SHORT/GO LONG!

  2. newwurldmn


    You don't think a thousand quants have been building models to do this for the last here months?
  3. Seriously?
    If you're just brainstorming this now, you should really close your account.
  4. Dolemite


    This is much better than my idea of getting up early and reading the wall street journal to trade off what it says. Maybe Trump has a myspace account I can follow.
    Clubber Lang and lawrence-lugar like this.
  5. BigTommy


    It's a good idea, but lots of people are already doing it. Might make more trading in the opposite direction, since the market still seems to be over-reacting to Trump's tweets.
  6. poorboy


    Better: Hack his twitter account and make your own news.
    "I have decided to use xyz construction company to build the wall"
    "Eli Lilly are drug pushers and must be stopped"
    "Massive import taxes coming on foreign cars"
  7. xandman


    Sure, If you want to make your life a living hell for a few decades. The NSA is probably glossing over your ET profile right now.
  8. Handle123


  9. carl0215


    I would go short when you get an Obama boner.