The Truth About The Alaskan Jet!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Landis82, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. Curious...which ammendment is the most important one to you? My guess for Ms Palin it would be the 2nd....not the 19th which thru COMMUNITY ORGANIZERS it gave her not only the right to vote but ultimately the opportunity she currently enjoys.

    Nor do YOU or SHE have the right to decide if I am going to keep or discard a few fertilized cells in my uterus. (IF I were a woman) Nor should YOU or HER decide which books I allow my children to read. Isn't it a republican argument that parents should make the educational choices for their children.....or is it only for parents that march to the drumbeat of the Religious Right?

    edit...mine BTW is the important to our founding fathers THEY put it first.
    #21     Sep 8, 2008
  2. You're way off track Richard. No one is telling you what books you can give your children. Heck, I don't care if you home school your children. HOWEVER what books are PUBLICLLY displayed is certainly subject to community standards. Would your zeal for protected speech extend to hate literature? To pornography? If you were black would you want your kids to view books in a PUBLIC tax funded library demeaning people of color? I trust not and we know those books wouldn't be displayed because of that. Hence "censorship" of appropriate materials in PUBLIC areas is already acceptably widespread.

    As far as "discarded cells": if that's the in vogue lib term for a fetus then I'm only persuaded more to respect life in its earliest form. This is a nation of laws. Of democracy. Of majority rule. For better or worse. If you think abortion is a Constitutionally respected right then you certainly have the privelege of making that argument. Me? Until I can blow a bong hit legally in my home I view a womans legal right to “choose” as political pandering under the guise of quite limited “freedom”.

    #22     Sep 8, 2008
  3. well then several states (including mine) it IS legal to blow a bong (assuming you mean weed).:) For medical purposes.

    You are vastly understimating the importance in an act that at least 70% of the people from my state (not CA or NY) believe should be safe and legal. I believe the best part of this election will be the discourse and hopefully people WILL do due dilligence on each of the servants who wish to represent them on every level and may the best person win:)

    edit...My complaint is that Ms Palin as mayor did NOT have the right to request ANY book be banned or try to fire the librarian...that is up to the community at large.
    #23     Sep 8, 2008