The Truth about "Assault Weapons"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by achilles28, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Lucrum


    You're talking facts, the control crown is feeling emotion.
    #11     Jan 4, 2013
  2. It's unlikely that semi-auto's will be banned. Magazine capacity on the other hand will be severely restricted. Registration of all firearms will be required at multiple levels. They'll probably restrict the amount of ammo one can have on hand. The end result will be a thriving black market for high capacity magazines and ammo.
    John Q. Citizen will obey the law for the most part and the criminals won't just as they don't now. The insane killer that goes on a rampage will still kill as many as they can until someone shows up to stop them. The panacea of thinking the body count will go down as a result of these new laws will fail to meet expectations. Don't expect that to deter those that want fast solutions to very complicated problems.
    #12     Jan 4, 2013
  3. Lucrum


    #13     Jan 4, 2013
  4. Lucrum


    I meant gun control crowd.
    #14     Jan 4, 2013
  5. ===========
    Good points.
    Gun kills/accidents are such a small % compared to car kills/accidents.It really makes one wonder about the emotional driven anti gun crowd????????????????????????????:cool:
    #15     Jan 4, 2013
  6. Exactly, and all 3 guns are based off an AK receiver. I would also like to point out, that these last 2 shootings have occurred where CCL (depending on state) citizens are not permitted to bring guns. Apparently, we cannot afford protection for our children, but we can afford cell phones for everybody.
    #16     Jan 4, 2013
  7. ktm


    The standard AK-47 has full auto capability. So you're saying that our average hunting rifle has full auto capability?

    Which one?

    Maybe you should define "legal" AK-47. A fully automatic Ak-47 is legal with a Class III permit and NFA registration/compliance.

    I think it's disingenuous to the promotion of gun rights to make the statement that an AK-47 is no different from a hunting rifle. That's a big part of the reason why both sides keep yelling past each other in this debate.
    #17     Jan 5, 2013
  8. achilles28


    Did you not watch the video? Semi auto and full auto are two TOTALLY DIFFERENT MECHANICAL DESIGNS.

    Full auto "capability" is only possible with a gun that was made fully auto, to begin with!

    Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a fully auto license in the US? 99.9% of AK's sold are semiauto. Just like hunting rifles with a clip.
    #18     Jan 5, 2013
  9. What about chemical, biological and radioactive weapons?

    The second amendment was passed on Dec 15, 1791. It applies to all small arms that a typical militia member could own at period. That is absolutely how the second amendment should be interpreted. Any advancement in the weaponry since that time should be subjected to regulation.

    Most Americans don't have any problem with any citizens owning 18th century fire arms. They are still lethal, but not weapons of mass killing that are typical of modern small fire arms.
    #19     Jan 5, 2013
  10. ktm


    Like I said, the "standard issue" AK-47 is full auto.

    Where do we see them? In the hands of Libyan soldiers and other "freedom fighters" around the world on the evening news...squeezing off vollies of rounds at the opposition. That's the public perception - that it's an evil machine gun. Yet your attempt at promoting gun acceptance is to fire off statements like that?

    Or is this just an attempt to flame everything up?

    Maybe this is my mistake. I assumed your goal was to promote meaningful and productive dialogue. If it's just pot stirring, I'll move along and let you tend to your brew.
    #20     Jan 5, 2013