the Trayvons the left forgot

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Apr 3, 2012.

  1. OP this is not about "left" or black or white. This is about 17 year old is dead and he have no gun , and NO CRIME is reported to the 911 from George Zimmerman.. Trayvon is killed by the neighborhood watch man George Zimmerman. This is not about race. This is about why George Zimmerman have no charges. Why George Zimmerman can say is self defense, and everyone believe him, and no investigation? I understand George Zimmerman try to fight crime, but he made mistake, and he and his family can not say Oh George is good person, he have good intentions, so is ok if he kill someone.
    If YOU can not see why Trayvon's family want investigation, but you only see race, then YOU ARE THE RACIST. This is about people. People want justice.
    #11     Apr 3, 2012
  2. pspr


    Justice was served.
    #12     Apr 3, 2012
  3. 377OHMS


    Martin attacked Zimmerman and was literally trying to kill him.

    The people demanding "justice" don't understand that justice is exactly what Treyvon Martin got.

    How many of us would smash a stranger in the face, breaking their nose (assault) and then smash their head against concrete (attempted murder) just because we saw them following us?

    I have lost all respect for those in P&R that keep insisting that Zimmerman be arrested. How they can overlook assault and attempted murder is difficult to understand.

    Evidently those people think that assault is ok and attempted murder is ok as long as the attacker is black. That is racism, plain and simple.
    #13     Apr 4, 2012