the top in hotel activity heralded the last recession

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by dealmaker, Oct 17, 2018.

  1. dealmaker


  2. Overnight


    Yes, the top in hotel activity IS THE INDICATOR that heralded the last recession, which means it IS THE INDICATOR which is now heralding the next one.

    So that's it. Nothing to do with the sub-prime mortgage crisis, banks too big they failed, employment, interest rates, etc etc etc. What a bloody hack she is. And she is getting paid a good healthy 6 figures for spewing that nonsense, I am sure. How do I get a job like that?
  3. Cuddles


    or Airbnb is taking their lunch this time.
    DaveV likes this.
  4. There is some merit in her observation.

    Going into and coming out of recession, leisure stocks often lead "discretionary spending".

    I used to track Invesco's Leisure fund looking for just that.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2018
  5. dealmaker


  6. dealmaker


  7. dealmaker

