The term African-American is obsolete

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Almond_Dragoon, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. There was once upon a time when, "my fellow Americans" meant WASP.

    Barrack Obama is the dems, nominee, and it his race to lose.

    Has America truly become the melting pot, instead of the salad bowl?
  2. There was once upon a time when, "my fellow Americans" meant WASP.

    Bullshit. Post WW2 "I work with a bunch of guys down at the shop" and you truly did, different nationales everyone spoke English, no one gave a shit what religion you were, where you lived, etc.

    Fast forward, data is collected on every concievable aspect of race enough so to divide our melting pot into a fractional society thanks to us govt.

    It is no longer "I work with a bunch of guys down at the shop" I work with hypenated Americans who may not speak English and you damn well better accomdate them (we have data to prove you are one person short of the required number of hypenated american in your work force) or you get your ass sued. You better be sure and follow the recipe and put in the required amount of potatoes in your melting pot stew.
  3. :D Post WWII was Pre integration, so all the guys down at the shop were white, unless you worked in the motor pool.