The tax debate we need to have

Discussion in 'Economics' started by CPTrader, Apr 2, 2008.

  1. I could be wrong but I don't think this is voter lead socialism, not by the poor anyway. Go ask the lawn guy, stop by a construction job and ask the workers about politics, if they voted, ask if they've ever contacted their congress person. I work with these people and for the most part they don't vote, don't protest, just work and try to stay alive. My congressman is Randy Neugebauer a republican who most would consider conservative. But he is fighting for federal government pork barrel spending for our cotton farmers everyday. The congressmen are bringing home the bacon for all not just the poor but for everyone who has a lobbyist working for them and big business has more lobbyist than the poor.
    Do you guys really want a consumption tax? Have you thought this through? The same people who have screwed everything up will be running this. What is going to stop the government from taxing a trade every time a stock or future is sold? Boom there's another tax your paying every time you hit the button on the DOM.
    Solutions? I don't don't have any except to structure my businesses to cut my tax liability as much as possible.
    #31     Apr 3, 2008
  2. It is not just about how much tax we paid.
    It is also about how the tax is spend.
    I went Germany for a conference last month and met a few persons from Italy and France. The French paid about 60% of income as tax, yet she is very happy because her 3 kids went to daycares and kindergartens for a total of about $600.
    For my kids here in US, I pay $1400/month/kid. We pay tax without getting much services.
    Our tax are wasted on useless stuff like Iraq war to liberate Iraqis from a dictator, just like Chinese claiming that they liberated Tibetans from serfdom.
    With the $$ spend on Iraq war, we could build a lot of solar thermal electricity generators in Nevada desert and liberate ourselves from the high energy cost.
    #32     Apr 3, 2008
  3. Just immigrate to France then if you don't like our system in the USA.

    You just whine, whine, whine ... make some money, dude. Give some more intelligent argument, will you.

    Did you lose money shorting the bank yesterday and today? :D :D

    #33     Apr 3, 2008
  4. They don't care because they don't pay tax. Make everyone pay the same percentage. No loopholes and then you would get Joe Sixpack to the polls to vote out the Socialists and get government cut back to only what it was supposed do to which was defense and law and order.

    Dumbasses talk about the Iraqi war and Corporate Welfare. Iraqi war has only been around a few years and people who talk about Corporate Welfare don't even know what that term means.

    Our Government is worst then the Mafia. Corporations have to bribe them with campaign contributions or else they will get screwed by Congress.

    The entire problem boils down to the fact that Government has become its own special interest group and we work just to support their Socialist agenda.

    #34     Apr 3, 2008
  5. Excellent Commentary


    There are many good arguments about various forms of taxes....

    One may want to view the form of taxation that would put all countries on a level playing field....

    This would be a simple 10% consumption other taxes....none....

    Each sovereign population would vote by internet as to how they want their sovereign funds allocated....


    What the governments do not understand is that the revenues produced by this system would dwarf any and all other tax systems revenues....and would pass the economic baton of leadership to whichever country commences this system....

    This system would make capitalism the shining star for any populus....
    #35     Apr 3, 2008