The tax debate we need to have

Discussion in 'Economics' started by CPTrader, Apr 2, 2008.

  1. wesley Snipes says hello.
    #21     Apr 2, 2008
  2. Pabst said
    "The table is already set. Why do you think Gates and Buffet are lib icons? Anything other would be foolery toward their survival. If they were ever outspoken enemies of the left their respective fortunes could be just several years away from confiscation."

    Already are just a scant few years from it.
    Another poster on this thread gets it right.
    He mentioned taxing of assets. Ya'll get ready cuz here it comes.
    #22     Apr 2, 2008
  3. by the way has anyone received their 2008 estimated tax forms. I haven't and the irs here won't even answer the phone.
    #23     Apr 2, 2008
  4. ryank


    I live in a state where we pay a property tax (on house/land value so it is an asset tax). I can see this being expanded to cover other assets, it isn't that far off I'm sure.
    #24     Apr 2, 2008
  5. I live in a state where we have prostitutes and gambling and underage drinking laws. We also have a relatively low Property tax, no income tax and I pay 100$ per year for a business license.

    But we have Bears.

    #25     Apr 2, 2008
  6. It isn't the democrats, it is BOTH the republicans and the democrats! The welfare people don't vote or write their congress person they have no pull, the lower class working poor also have no pull. The people we send to congress turn to idiots after about a year or so, many I believe start out as idiots. Just blaming the democrats is a fools game. Did nobody notice the deficit spending and passing of pork while the republicans were in charge? For those who don't think the poor pay enough go visit someone making 30 grand a year, look at his pay stub, check out what it cost to pay for the essentials. The reason they pay very little in federal taxes is they are already slaves. You are getting your car washed, lawn mowed groceries carried out, streets maintained and homes built at slave wages. I would wager you couldn't own a slave and take care of them for what you now pay the people at the lower end of the pay scale. Blaming the working poor and lower middle class for the tax problems of the wealthy is incorrect and the solutions offered by these people will not work. If there is a tax revolt there might also be a worker revolt. The answer for those who care is to drastically cut government spending. As long as spending is uncontrolled the wealthy will continue to carry a huge load and the workers will continue to live on slave wages. There is no tax collection plan that will fix the spending problem. Consumption tax, flat tax whatever you come up with will not work with our governments spending. I'm all for changing the tax collection system and lowering the rates drastically but your fooling yourself if you think this will fix the problem without changing our governments spending.
    #26     Apr 2, 2008
  7. As usual, Pabst is spot on.

    This is precisely why the founders specifically forbid direct, unapportioned taxes in the Constitution (until the f-ing 16th amendment). Productive capacity (or wealth) now becomes a category for discrimination.

    Income tax in general, and progressive income tax in particular, turns democracy into mob rule, with the mob voting to make slaves of the productive few.

    Not to mention all the other negative effects of the income tax that stem from allowing the government too much money and power. (Like foreign wars, for example)

    I cannot help but be amazed at the foresight the founders showed in crafting the Constitution, and the arrogance with which subsequent politicians have bastardized it.
    #27     Apr 3, 2008

  8. Great post. I was also a republican blaming democrats for unreasonable taxer on upper middleclass. Now Iam independant I hate democrats and republicans equally. I couldnt care less who wins, cuz they both suck. Those days of republicans standing for less taxes and less government are long gone. Republicans are run by nutcase hardcore religious right. Now I always vote against an imcumbant and give someone new a chance whether its democrat or republican. I think best way to clean up the political system is to put 2 term limit for house members and senators, like they have for the presidents. All these old geezers that are senators for decades are crooked and corrupt
    #28     Apr 3, 2008
  9. gnome


    I wish even 20% of the American populace understood just what you said. :mad:
    #29     Apr 3, 2008
  10. TGregg


    That was my point. The overwhelming vast majority (over 90%) of us get more in services than we pay. There's no way to get a majority to vote to change that around. I suppose if we had a real leader who could explain how you can't get something for nothing, and a voting population that was capable of understanding it - well then I suppose we could fix this problem.

    Unless American Idol was on.

    That's why we are toast. Better hide your assets now before the federalies come `round asking questions.
    #30     Apr 3, 2008