The Swiss got it right on Islam...finally

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by a_person, Nov 29, 2009.

  1. And about the saying that giving the other chicks is good...

    here is why :

    As it was said by giving the other side, you exposed yourself.

    By giving the other chick, your opponent being on the wrong side because he attacked you, will inevitably took it. If he doesn't, it means that he realized that he made a mistake and you can see it by not responding to the first shot. It make you even greater in the eye of your ennemy. Furthermore, as it's said in the East, you don't fight again a physical being... And can only win when your ennemy surrender is heart, meaning that he loves you.

    However if your ennemy hit you the second chicks... he is in the weakest position ever. He is on YOUR ground. Thusfar permiting a direct annilation of the ennemy. Hardcore living.
    #121     Dec 6, 2009
  2. stu


    exposing to the chicks, other side or not, gonna get your sorry ass arrested man.
    #122     Dec 6, 2009
  3. stu,

    Fear is the darkside. Always. If you are afraid, you can always ask for help.

    Exploring the matrix... only.

    To my opponent(s), remember the matrix can evolve... and when it does there isn't choice. :D

    I can't see the point to live in a false scarcity when there is/was full plentyness... oh yes I could have, but as you see there is to much evidence to think about probabilities. If some people had taken the time to answer my question when they were due, they will already have the answers.

    Is it for them possible to conceive the fact of walking trough the best probalities path at every choice ? And where it could lead ?
    #123     Dec 6, 2009
  4. stu


    ahh gotcha...
    my answer then is no, no, yes, maybe, no way, guru nank, and physically impossible.

    now you have a good day d'ya hear!:)
    #124     Dec 6, 2009
  5. Stu,

    1st What has be done one time will be done again and again and again...if needed, what ever he thinks !

    Thank you for your word. so no,no,yes,maybe,no way, guru nank, and physically impossible...

    Nice :)

    For the first no,

    I think that you are right, because fear in itself is nothing. Fear of yourself is everything...

    I strongly oppose the second one... just ask for help.

    yes ! I like to see that you are a discovering spirit...Exploration is a right !

    Maybe, again I strongly oppose... It has evolved in the past and it will in the future... However I agree with you that on one Generation the matrix will have to reach the exponential... And i don't think it can.

    Guru Nank... aie aie... it's true :). Thanks for helping me.

    physically impossible... I can't understand it. the way I see it :
    Chance is God walking Igognito ( A.Einstein ).
    By this I mean, as we can't know if we took the right path or choice, we don't know that we took it, however we are still on it :D Do you see my point ?
    Proper Education Always Correct Errors...
    #125     Dec 7, 2009