The Slumping South

Discussion in 'Economics' started by dealmaker, Jun 11, 2019.

  1. Trader200K


    Live and let live is a good construct.

    The problem arises when one side becomes so self perceived superior ... intellectually, economically, etc that it must force its culture (and laws) upon on the other which has fallen to sub-human levels (at least in their perception).

    Trotsky, Mao, Pol Pot, etc come to mind.

    Culturally, our military policy of forever wars shows this major shift in national attitude about whom is on the wrong end of our weaponry. I do not see it as a plus that the numbers killed with US taxpayer dollars approaching those of the Bolsheviks/Maoists.

    Living in exurban Tenn (War of Northern Aggression TN), I was aghast when Truth in Accounting exposed our sophisticated city brethren in Nashville had "hidden" $6 billion in off balance sheet UAAL (unfunded actuarially accrued liabilities). I found this less than ethical behavior disappointing in our state, but likely not as disappointed as metro retirees likely will be. Fortunately, UASB is fixing some of those holes ... but an ethical mindset to begin with would have made rule changes unneeded.

    My greatest fear is that once again many people in our Country on both sides will perish when the "inferiors" are permanently disenfranchised of having any control over their lives, family and wealth.

    My perception of the "Civil War" was Gone with the Wind" ... until I left our corrupt, overtaxed northern metro area and began mixing with "Exurban Southerners" that after getting inside their confidence zone, they shared long preserved personal stories of rape/mayhem forced on many non-combatant in their families and neighbors. Too many to discount. Very disturbing.

    War truly is hell.

    Working together, even in a peaceful divorce with a few new borderlines, would be superior.
    #21     Jun 16, 2019
  2. If you got rid of the illegal aliens, it might not be so congested.
    #22     Jun 16, 2019
  3. Sig


    It also brings to mind federal marijuana bans, maybe banning gay marriage, which impacts the bigots not at all, and was something the federal government overrode states on for years and the majority of conservatives would like to go back was that "live and let live again"? Or maybe the rest of NC overriding local law in Charlotte about transgender bathroom Charlotte! Why should the redneck in Gates County who will never in their life so much as travel to Charlotte get to override their local law? Remind me how that's "live and let live" again?
    The extreme lack of tolorence and attempt to impose one's own views on others is exactly what I observed rural conservatives doing my entire time growing up as a rural conservative, especially religious conservatives. It's what they're all about for cripes sake, not only do they believe they're superior they believe they know the one "right" way to do things per a 2000 year old book written by semi-literate goat herders and they insist we base our laws on that, and anyone who disagrees isn't just wrong they're evil! Your kind of breathtaking hypocrisy was what caused me to change my political views while maintaining my "live and let live" views. It sounds like you're on the wrong side my friend, everything you describe is an indelible part of today's conservative in America, while it's just an annoying side group of liberals.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2019
    #23     Jun 16, 2019
    bullmarket79 likes this.
  4. Sig


    Texas is not representative of anywhere else in the south.
    #24     Jun 16, 2019
  5. SunTrader


    Too far right or too far left is also hell.

    Most Americans, that vote, do so because of the fear of the far right or far left.

    I have hope most of us will come to understand the enemy are those extremists before it ever comes to another Civil War.
    #25     Jun 16, 2019
  6. SunTrader


    I'd be curious how widespread the economic growth is in Texas or it is like most states, in concentrated regions especially urban/suburban.
    #26     Jun 16, 2019

  7. Texas is huge. Dallas/Ft Worth , Houston, San Antonio and Austin are all doing well.

    Many people from rural, country areas are moving to these cities.
    But so are people from other states. I see a lot of license plates from other states.

    Texas has a diverse economy, but it does even better when oil prices are high and suffers when natural gas and oil prices are low and they lay people off.
    #27     Jun 16, 2019
  8. Sig


    To their credit Texas, along with NC, have realized the value of a robust startup community which they have in Austin. There's a perfect niche for both states for startups that also require a lot of affordable skilled labor, not sure they've quite exploited that like they could yet but they'll get there. Of course not for nothing they call it the people's republic of Austin....
    #28     Jun 17, 2019
    DallasCowboysFan and SunTrader like this.
  9. SunTrader


    Probably helps that Texas is a big state land-wise. Keep the BillyBob's and Progressive Techies from mixing .... too much. Otherwise the Techsters might just mosey on down the road to another state.

    Either way Silicon Valley need not worry.
    #29     Jun 17, 2019
    DallasCowboysFan likes this.
  10. I think they should worry a little.
    SV's best days are behind it. It's still the best place in the world for IT talent and new ideas, but they have become a victim of their own success.

    Even if you make 100k a year, you can't have an apartment without a roommate, maybe 2-3.
    Homes in the SF area average $1.6MN and the local politicians allow people to defecate on the sidewalks and shoot drugs in public. And California will still take up to 10% of your income.

    There are many other alternatives around the country that provide someone the opportunity to pursue your dreams and still have a reasonable lifestyle.
    #30     Jun 17, 2019