The secret to attract business. (White,religion,no nightlife, no alcohol or coffee)

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by KINGOFSHORTS, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. Perhaps I was not 100% clear:

    The IQ difference (as well of a host of other variables) is rock solid fact. If you want to debate this stone cold fact, no thank you.

    As to the cause,

    In my opinion the cause is primarily:

    1.) genetics
    2.) Nutrition
    3.) Nurture - Other than nutrition

    The most effective way to boost african IQ would likely be to give them a proper, nutritious diet, particularly during the early formative years.

    It is also my opinion, after revewing evidence, that there are significant differences between the human populations that we call, "race" on a number of factors, ONE of which is intelligence.

    I view the evidence for this as overwhelming. Feel free to research it yourself as I have done. Just seven or so years ago I was on the other side, so I know what that position is and where it typically comes from.

    Lastly, most of what I care to say on the subject I have said in a prior thread, (And in fact mixed it up with Cutten).

    particularly the post I made that starts with,

    "I suggest that you review the twin-adoption studies. Adopted children have an IQ that is far closer to their genetic counterpart than to their adoptive families. The evidence in my opinion is conclusive. "

    All the statements I make here (though I did it from memory and may have a few specifics wrong) are based on readings I have done on the subject and academic findings. You may disagree, fine. However there is certainly a mountain of evidence supporting my position.
    #51     Nov 14, 2010

    Ok, so why is this trend?

    And to Mav88, you can see this variant gene(intelligence gene?) is favored in Latin America with Dr. Lahn's research. So why so much poverty too with latinos? Why if they have (intelligence gene)? Hmm?
    I do not think all people are equal. Different strength and weakness is true. But is not so simple to say 2 genes is why. How do the gene express? Maybe many more genes show intelligence? Conditions of environment, education, culture, nurture, nutrition?
    #52     Nov 14, 2010
  3. Specterx


    Dunno if I'd go that far. Both of those countries have some pretty severe social problems, they're just different than the ones we have in the US.

    Diversity is a benefit when everyone in the group pulls their own weight, when they work together as a team or alternatively pursue healthy competition within boundaries. But it becomes a problem when certain groups start freeloading or you get squabbles over political or economic power, etc. The U.S. saw the first of these for most of its history but unfortunately we're moving more and more towards the second.
    #53     Nov 14, 2010
  4. bigb


    Craziest people I have met were from Utah as in most rebellious, hardest drug addicts. When I ask why they say they rebelled against their strict mormon upbringing as a teenager.
    #54     Nov 14, 2010
  5. Mav88


    I'm not sure why you are addressing me, I have stressed culture more than anything, the other guy brought up genetics.

    I agree with you, there are many differences and it isn't as simple as 2 genes.

    Latinos are genetically mostly a mixture of Spaniards and the indigineous indians. Much of south america is in fact considered white (but that doesn't stop them from wanting hispanic racial preferences). Latinos have a major cultural problem.
    #55     Nov 15, 2010
  6. olias


    I think we all have a major cultural problem.
    #56     Nov 15, 2010
  7. Mav88


    Definitiely some wackos in Utah, and no thanks to the religion and puritanism.

    I will say though that what they bring to the table is a culturally ingrained sense of duty to their employer and decent work ethic. They ain't the most educated folks on the planet (therefore thier productivity as measured by $ is low) but they will show up for work everyday and they will put in some honest effort for 8 hours. They will not work weekends due to priorities, but perfect for lower end industry.

    That's fine, but for real progress you need those hard driving and smart billy gates types. You also need surroundings they can thrive in. It seems not every ethnic group is capable.
    #57     Nov 15, 2010
  8. drcha


    Having worked for small businesses and been involved with small charities most of the last 35 years, my experience has been that diversity DOES work. People with different backgrounds and viewpoints sometimes see things that others don't, and they often help to bring in business or funding from people like themselves.

    Maybe you like to choose who you want to give your business to, and that is fine. But turn it around now: when you own a business or run a charity, it is good to have dollars flowing in, no matter who they come. Then they tell their friends and colleagues about you, etc, and it mushrooms.

    Disclosure: No, I don't belong to any group that would be considered a minority in the US, so I have no axe to grind.
    #58     Nov 15, 2010
  9. This whole discussion on Utah and it's religious foundation makes me wonder if Mormons get preferential treatment on business deals when dealing with their own kind. Makes sense.
    #59     Nov 15, 2010