The secret to attract business. (White,religion,no nightlife, no alcohol or coffee)

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by KINGOFSHORTS, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. It may be shocking (considering the propaganda that is taught in schools, etc) but with nearly 100 years of data the world over it is proven that races have different average intelligence levels, and in fact are measurably different on a broad range of criteria. It is not just "the big races" but in fact within what most consider a "race" there are subgroups with distinctly different average characteristics.

    There are also statistically significant physical differences. The notion of race, (thought it is a fuzzy concept for most people) is real. It might be better to think of it as a persons historical origins. For example there are "Europeans" "africans" and "asians". These are groups with distinct differences. Within the group there are sub-groups. Within Europe, for example, there are Eastern Europeans, Northern Europeans, Southern Europeans. Back when anthropology was a scientific field (physical anthropology) rather than a social "science" (cultural anthropology) They had classified many of these differences and given names to them more precise that what I have done above.

    The reality is that different people have made different cultures that are suited to both their biological or genetic traits as well as the physical space in the world where they found themselves in for most of their history.

    It may shock liberals but the African male behavior pattern that is so troubling in the USA is in fact the same thousands of year old behavior pattern that exists in africa, only in their own native culture it is not seen as a problem, it is a way of life. It is who they are.

    The issue for Europeans seems to be that we have had so much "white guilt" thrown at us we can't think clearly about the situation, or if we try a representative for the ruling order shouts us down.

    Therefor, it might be easiest to think about the issue with regards to non-europeans. For example, do North Asians and Sub saharan africans have equal intelligence? do they have the same physical potentials? Do they have an equal ability to create advanced civilization or culture? Well, measurably, there are differences on ALL these things regardless of how you choose to measure it. This is not bad or good, it just is. It is not subject to debate, it is fact, and for most everyone with eyes and a brain, it is common sense.

    Here in the USA we have christian churches importing Africans who still practice female genital mutilation. They believe in honor killings. Folks, these african refuges are part of a people who have an average IQ of below 80. It will be impossible for them to fit in and integrate into society. Most of them are on public assistance and are bankrupting the small towns that they descend upon. The refuges from haiti have started a crime epidemic in small town America, but you will not hear it from the main stream media.

    Liberal optimism unfortunately has blinded the majority of Americans to stone cold reality of racial difference.

    THe powers that be believe there is no problem in bringing in people from religious groups that are openly hostile to the majority (still at this point) american culture. Folks, this is flat out dangerous. When a critical mass of population is achieved, I predict that like in the rest of the world, open, aggressive hostilities will break out on a large scale. Small population minority groups have an incentive it at least in some ways "blend in". In a fragmented society this is not the case.

    Mexicans (the illegals are not "hispanics" they are by and large mexican indians) have created huge problems in the USA, such as our collapsing system of public hospitals and overflowing criminal justice system. If you think there will not be a growing problem/conflict, I invite you to visit a major city on May-Day. You will see tens of thousands of Mexicans waiving the mexican flag, carrying socialist and communist banners, and in general proclaiming with their signage that they are retaking the USA. If you think American politicians are bad now, just wait until the same people who voted in Chavez are a substantial voter block in every state. It is the lefts wet dream, and it is the true reason our borders are being left open. It is not an oversight, it is a strategy.

    Folks, the bottom line is that a country or a society cannot rise above the attributes of those who live there. Nothing can create a "high performing" school if the average IQ of the student population is around 80. Those that value advanced civilization and a peaceful society with a high quality of life must realize that globally, it is north asians and western/northern europeans who have succeeded in creating such societies, who have the potential to both create and maintain such societies.

    Mass population replacement will not "lift" others into America, it will sink America to a third or second world nation. If you live in a wealth bubble (a wealthy area in an urban center, a wealthy suburb, etc) or "white utopia" (condescending term liberals use to describe prosperous, peaceful white communities). I urge you to get out of the bubble and see with your own eyes what is really at stake.
    #41     Nov 14, 2010
  2. 11Blade



    My perception is that you are fairly pessimistic about the prospects of the US. I am a 2nd generation immigrant, you may be 12 generations removed from immigrant status. I took the best values of my culture and integrated the cultural fabric of america minus the trash media-spun propaganda. The first generation/wave of immigrants cannot do this as adults.

    The Rule of Law is strong here, there is a justice system. You can be successful despite skin color, gender, sexual orientation or geographic origin. It takes generations to do it.

    Every immigrant group dating back to the puritans had a separate cultural identity and some continue to do so. The appearance of this in larger numbers I think is what disturbs you.

    You can see this in NYC, old irish, italian neighborhoods give rise to Indian, Muslim, Polish, Albanian, Azerbijani neighborhoods and when those immigrants have children, those children move out to Scarsdale and White Plains like anybody else. It is the american dream.

    I don't have a solution for poverty but it strikes whites, blacks, immigrants, muslims, christians, atheists. Its visibility is constantly burned into us via the media. We make fun of poor white appalachian trash - are they poor because of their northern values.?

    Our diversity did not derail our economic prosperity, it was mismanaged on a grand scale that the Leftists, Rightists, Centrists cannot imagine.

    Every empire fades, diverse or homogenous.
    #42     Nov 14, 2010
  3. This might be true at the moment, but realize that intelligence is forever a dynamic occurence. It might very welll be blacks will be the most intelligent, in a few hundred years. And then you will have something like in the movie Idiocracy, where the whites are all white trash.

    Right now you can clearly see Asians outclassing Whites in almost all areas based on intelligence. Soons whites won't be the smartest anymore. This is the fault of the republicans.
    #43     Nov 14, 2010
  4. You're just assuming a 100% causal link between the genetics of 'race' and the behavioural patterns of culture. Yet you haven't cited any evidence at all that this exists. This is exactly the same type of low IQ, unscientific behaviour that you criticise black/African culture for.

    Assertions need evidence. Theories need empirical testing and proof of causal links, not just correlation. Especially not when there are a myriad of other factors present which are equally if not much more likely to have caused the outcomes you point to.

    Out of all the reasons for divergent social outcomes and cultural behaviours between the races, genetics are probably the least plausible. Any basic comparative analysis indicates that.
    #44     Nov 14, 2010
  5. "This is exactly the same type of low IQ, unscientific behaviour that you criticise black/African culture for."

    Cutten, this type of personal attack is unfortunate in what has up to this point been a civil discussion. I will respond to your assertions if you edit your post and remove this personal attack.
    #45     Nov 14, 2010
  6. Mav88


    First of all the US was never an empire, but even if it was then it still takes a great poeple to have an empire. One thing that made these old immigrants great is that they realized that they left their old country to become something else- an american. My grandmother spoke Norweigan, she forbade my mother from even learning it. Todays illegal immigrants expect us to provide spanish speaking services for them. That's quite a change of attitude and a disturbing one at that. My familiy would not think of waving the Norweigan flag around america in protest of illegal immigration policy, Scandanavians are a bit more respectful than that.

    So why did the vast immigration work in the past?? I think it is quite simple, look at the where they came from and the culture they brought with them. Americas largest immigrant group is Germans, so is not any surprise that we were fairly successful. Add in the next groups were the English, the Dutch, the Irish, the Italians, the Jews, etc, and we were bound to look a lot like Europe in terms of economic and technological success.

    Guess what you are gonna get with a latin american majority?
    Hello Mexicamerica. Do you think mexico is a place with solid rule of law and low corruption? Yea right, go visit to see the USAs future.
    #46     Nov 14, 2010
  7. This means we need to do the "math".

    The math comprises statistics.

    We'll need a formula to Congressionally fund a program to correct & address the desired outcome based on the statistics.

    How many years do we fund studies and programs and manage to avoid solutions to the problem?
    #47     Nov 14, 2010
  8. The descriptor "Asian" encompasses a level of diversity no less than the term " North American". If anything, even more so.
    #48     Nov 14, 2010
  9. QUOTE]Quote from 1prometheus:

    "Those that value advanced civilization and a peaceful society with a high quality of life must realize that globally, it is north asians and western/northern europeans who have succeeded in creating such societies, who have the potential to both create and maintain such societies."

    Maybe you read this then think 2 genes advance the people?

    "While acknowledging that the evidence doesn't permit a firm conclusion, Dr. Lahn favors the idea that the advantage conferred by the mutations was a bigger and smarter brain. He found ways to suggest that in his papers. One mutation, which according to his estimates arose some 40,000 years ago, coincided with the first art found in caves, the paper observed. The other mutation, present mostly in people from the Middle East and Europe, and estimated to be 5,800 years old, coincided with the "development of cities and written language."

    That suggested brain evolution might have occurred in tandem with important cultural changes. Yet because neither variant is common in sub-Saharan Africa, there was another potential implication: Some groups had been left out"

    But you can see no science prove this. So Cutten is right.

    "Soon after the Science papers were published, Lahn set out to see whether the variants give a cognitive advantage. In one study, Lahn helped controversial psychologist Philippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada, test whether people who carry the favored variants have higher IQs. Rushton is well known for his claims that African Americans have lower intelligence than whites, and Lahn had found that some genetic variants are common in Europeans and Asians but less frequent among sub-Saharan Africans. But Rushton reported last week at the annual meeting of the International Society for Intelligence Research in San Francisco, California, that he had struck out: The variants conferred no advantage on IQ tests. "[We] had no luck," Rushton told Science, "no matter which way we analyzed the data." Lahn was not a co-author, but his group genotyped the 644 adults of differing ethnicity in the study."
    #49     Nov 14, 2010
  10. Mav88


    644 adults? that's hardly enough in my opinion.

    here's the thing- we can all see the results in the world around us, there's no better laboratory than the real world itself and we don't need some social scientist 'studying' 644 people. If Africans were the equals of the Japanese it would been born out by now. There is no stopping an advanced people who want to get ahead, and there is no helping a people whose talents and/or culture won't support an advanced civilization.

    The Jews were targeted for extermination, yet they thrive as a people. The Japanese economy was leveled in 1945 yet they became the worlds second largest with few natural resources. Africans and latinos still cry racism to explain their shortcomings in spite of several material advantages and the politically correct will provide them academic cover. The truth is simple and in plain sight.
    #50     Nov 14, 2010