The secret to attract business. (White,religion,no nightlife, no alcohol or coffee)

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by KINGOFSHORTS, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. So does the US, and has for quite some time.
    #31     Nov 13, 2010
  2. All empires, regardless of diversity level, lose control and fade.
    #32     Nov 13, 2010
  3. mahadiga


    India is destined to fail due to ZERO
    #33     Nov 13, 2010
  4. Look at the bottom of the cup holding your soda (the inside rim) at "In and Out burger"...


    #34     Nov 13, 2010
  5. tortoise


    And other than the entire country being Asian.
    #35     Nov 13, 2010
  6. Mav88


    huh? 90% Han Chinese is pretty close in my book.

    When China does have internal political strife guess where it usually comes from?

    The point is that if multicultural was good and mono was bad as according to the high priests of the left, then places like Japan have no business being successful and places like India should be ruling the world. I think Germany and Japan were strong because of a single dominant culture, not in spite of it.

    Human behavior is not physical law, there are only tendencies, and of course if you have one dominant culture and it is corrupt then you'll have big problems (like Russia). There will always be exceptions but when you look at the world and start to ask how the multiculturals have worked out (internal harmony, economic progress, etc.) versus the mono culturals, the evidence is plain to me.

    Once upon a time in 1860 the United states had two large groups of people with different ideas of how life should be run. After that event though the rise of the USA was not because we had several large dominant cultures, it was because everyone wanted to be an american and the common values of that early america were some of the best values brought over from northern Europe. Now hispanics, blacks, muslims, etc. want to maintain a seperate cultural identity and even a seperate language sometimes. They scoff at the values which built this place as racist, and are supported by white leftists. You can see it coming, once they collectively take over the voting majority- well I hope you like mexico a lot.
    #36     Nov 13, 2010
  7. "They scoff at the values which built this place as racist, and are supported by white leftists. You can see it coming, once they collectively take over the voting majority- well I hope you like mexico a lot."

    What most people so far fail to see (And what the media works hard to disguise) is that when this happens, the living standards and quality of life for what we call, "middle america" will go into a complete free-fall.
    #37     Nov 13, 2010
  8. Wow! Great find in the link given above.

    Like Galileo vs. Cardinal Bellarmine some ideas are not to be examined or challenged. Diversity is one of these ideas.
    #38     Nov 13, 2010
  9. mahadiga


    Refugees e.g. Albert Einstein & H1Bs e.g. Linus Torvalds contributed to the prosperity of America.
    Why can't Americans move to developing nations and work there?
    #39     Nov 14, 2010
  10. Mav88


    There are differing definitions of success but most all people want some sort of economic prosperity.

    I don't think it is totally hopeless as long as the underperformers want to be more like the achievers. That however leaves two distinct groups of folks who are hostile to that sort of assimiliation. Muslims and to some extent blacks.

    Islam is the like that one kid in the family that's a jerk and everyone else shrugs and says that is just how they are. There is no reasoning with an intolerant and suffocating religion, it will always make life sucky for those who live in and near it. Islam is best kept isolated.

    Blacks all around the world just can't seem to get it together. Here in the US many of the youth are openly hostile to learning as being something 'white', they stress music and sports, men don't like being fathers, and all their problems are whitey's fault stemming from the original sin of slavery- 150 years old. I don't know if it's genetic or simply because of some inferiority complex, but clearly they have their own seperate culture- they say so themselves. I would not mind so much if they didn't constantly whine about racism and opression, and want money for it. There seems to be no point at which they will accept responsibility, but still I'm supposed to celebrate the diversity they bring and accept their culture as equal to all others. I don't have a lot of hope, but it isn't as bad as Islam.

    Mexicans could be ok, but there are just too damned many, and they are too uneducated. That will induce great economic and social stress on the US. In my opinion it is quite rude to emmigrate to someone else's house and then demand they bend to accommodate you. The backlash will be turbulent.
    #40     Nov 14, 2010