The return of the hard hitting, fight-the-power Obama Press Corps

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tsing Tao, Jan 20, 2021.

  1. UsualName


    So, just saying is it possible Obama (gasp) actually did a good job as President and Trump did not?
    #21     Jan 21, 2021
    Cuddles likes this.
  2. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Can you tell us what Melania did that was so bad?
    #22     Jan 21, 2021
  3. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    I'm sure that's it. I'm sure that, because Obama is good and Biden is good we should focus on playlists, and sneakers, and who gets to ride the bike first - you know, all the hard hitting, difficult topics that plague our time.

    There wasn't any bias at all in the reporting. Not one bit. At all. Really. Believe us.
    #23     Jan 21, 2021
  4. UsualName


    I don’t know if the question is whether Obama IS good or if there question is did Obama do a good job?

    I think people who are looking at this stuff need to come to terms with the fact that the last two Republican Administrations legitimately shit the bed in office and Democrats inherited a broken country twice now.

    What I’m saying is that I think when it comes to this stuff it’s important to actually consider whether or not these people are actually failing instead of trying to apply the same standard when democrats are proven to be more competent national leaders.

    As far as bias, are you being biased? Do you really believe the Obama Administration was as bad as the Bush and Trump Administrations?
    #24     Jan 21, 2021


    We all know media doesn't even hide their bias anymore. They don't even care.

    Moving on from that you gotta ask whats going on in the board rooms, these executives
    have basically decided this is what media is for now. I think its kind a herd mentality

    The media execs dont think middle of the road reporting gets ratings like picking a side.

    Fox probably has something to do with that, they decided we're going after the conservative
    viewer which probably left the other networks tripping over each other to move left and
    capture the other half.
    #25     Jan 21, 2021
  6. UsualName


    The bias is you putting forward a narrative that somehow the last two Republican presidencies weren’t disasters.
    #26     Jan 21, 2021


    See, its working. The channels you watch have you believe that.

    If all news was down the middle, you would have not made that statement.

    Words like "disaster" are from media brainwashing. Are you doing well in your life?
    #27     Jan 21, 2021
  8. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    First, I am not saying that Obama was as "bad as" or Trump was "as good as" anyone or anything.

    I am pointing to one very obvious issue that you are choosing to pretend does not exist. And that is that the media treats one party very different than the other party. They don't report on news, they add significant bias in their reporting. That is all.
    #28     Jan 21, 2021
    Wallet likes this.
  9. UsualName


    Failure invites questions and criticism. Trump and Bush were indeed both disasters. Objectively by almost every measure from GDP to life expectancy failures.

    Let’s see how honest you are, if you had to give Bush, Obama and Trump a grade A through F, what would you give them. Feel free to use plus and minus.
    #29     Jan 21, 2021


    bush started war with lies. (C)

    Obama shifted healthcare burden to the working/middle class to pay for everybody (C)

    Trump's tone polarized the country (C)
    #30     Jan 21, 2021