The repurcussions of nuking France

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MondoTrader, Feb 12, 2003.

  1. OHLC


    Depends on what bisexual means :
    if you mean with two hot girls at the same time, your assertion stands true. :D

    #21     Feb 13, 2003
  2. msfe


    OPTIONAL777: `The Post said the speaker also is exploring whether the United States should require "bright orange warning labels" on French wines that are clarified with bovine blood.´

    why not require "bright orange warning labels" on dissenting French, Belgian and German tourists entering US territory ?
    #22     Feb 13, 2003
  3. This is why the french ar so confused....two hot girls and a guy is group , the hot girl and Jacques Cousteau in a pile is ....pretty damn gross..!!!:D ...Just kidding with you btw., although i was talking with somebody from france (girl) who admitted to me that french men are "more open" to experimentation with men this true? Im being serious. or is this just a rumor/misconception/stereotype?
    #23     Feb 13, 2003

  4. What a great idea!!!!! ever notice how all these people want to get to the USA.........but there's not exactly a waiting list to get a visa into france and germany? I say we keep everyone out....
    #24     Feb 13, 2003
  5. OHLC


    so far I have not heard of such a thing...
    BTW, be careful, this girl might just be suggesting that an homosexual friend of her likes you :D

    #25     Feb 13, 2003
  6. .

    >>>what would happen if we nuked France?<<<

    There would be fewer rude smelly people?

    :D :D :D
    #26     Feb 13, 2003
  7. Arnie


    By throwing a temper tantrum, France, Germany and Belgium have sealed the fate of NATO and possibly the U.N. (God, I hope). Up until now, NATO had NEVER denied a request by a member nation for assistance like they've done with Turkey. If they are so opposed to a war, why did they all sign 1441? I bet if and when we march into Bagdad we see "Made In France" and "Made in Germany" on much of their munitions. It really doesn't matter. in 50 years France will be indercernible (sic) from any other Middle East country, with a bunch thick eyebrowed half breeds named "Mohammed" or "Abdul" walking around blowinf each other up. Their culture is on the skids, and they know it. Fuck the French, fuck the Germans, fuck em all. Those candy ass poodle humpers can fight their own battles from now on.

    P.S Have a nice day

    #27     Feb 13, 2003

  8. I sense that you are somewhat "on the fence" about the France issue. Now, how do you REALLY feel about the situation?

    #28     Feb 13, 2003
  9. Kicker said : 'Europeans don't want to take part in this war, moron.'

    You are a guest on this chatsite, you don't even live in the US so what gives you the idea you can behave in such an arrogant way to call others moron ?

    >>One question comes to mind, if France exits NATO, which it clearly doesn't belong in, how long will it be before Germany takes them over ?<<

    The above may have been a joke but it is no longer a possibility
    but a real fact that france will eventually be taken over by Arabs and who knows, all original french people may be turned into slaves.

    Here is the logic :

    Total population 60 million
    Muslims approx. 6 million.
    Catholic population about 51 million

    Whilst the birthrate is approx. 0.35 %, what is the birthrate amongst Arabs ?

    The facts are that whilst catholics used to have large families that is no longer the case. Arabs on the other hand do have large families.

    If anyone has access to the figures I think they will show that the birthrate amongst Arabs is considerably higher than 0.35 %

    Thus how long will it take for the Arabs to become the majority ?

    Clearly it it only going to be a matter of time.

    Bon appetite Monsieur Chirac.

    #29     Feb 14, 2003
  10. msfe


    TM Direct:`So you admit you've had bisexual relations, just like all french men´

    US soldier faces court martial trial for sex assault on Korean soldier. Three US soliders have been questioned for sexually assaulting a male South Korean soldier, one of whom is to face a martial court trial, US military authorities said.
    #30     Feb 14, 2003