The Republican Slogan

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Gabfly1, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. jem


    AAA I am afraid that is also the motto of those in charge on the right as well.

    I once wondered why those who made so much money due to the capitalist system would all of sudden turn socialist.
    I use to think well of these guys and figured they were feeling guility about their wealth...l

    But the reality is those have the gotten to the top... no longer wish to deal with true capitalism. They are afraid of reinvent or perish which is part of capitalism. They do not want their edge to get eaten away over time.

    Instead they prefer socialized, institutionalized cronyism. (which looks a lot like socialism.

    Tax the shit out the workers. Never allow them to accumulate much capital.

    The right and left are being run by those with money to eliminate competition.

    Which explains the liberal shitheads like soros and buffet. It also explain liberal shitheads like the Bushes. Who pretended to be conservative as they destroyed our nation.

    They use the government to make more money for friends and keep everyone else down.

    Have you seen the Inside deal that sob cut for INDYmac with Paulson and the Goldman number 2.

    Cronyism and socialism at its very worst. Bush Obama administrations.
    #31     Mar 23, 2010