The remarkable similarities between Obama and Bin Laden

Discussion in 'Politics' started by sho-tim, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. sho-tim


    1. They both have friends that bombed the pentagon.

    2. Both seek a dramatic change in policies of the US; internal and external.

    3. They both have a "messianic" image among their followers.

    4. Both have middle eastern names associated with evil.

    5. "Hiding" is key to survival for both. Bin Laden, his whereabouts, and Obama, from his past associates.

    6. Both loved by those among their respective peoples who want a handout.

    7. Both spend or have spent large amount of time among those who say God d___ America!

    8. Both have an inordinate number of supporters who are on the wrong side of the law.

    Feel free to add additional points of comparison.
  2. The remarkable similarities between bush and Bin Laden

    1. both bomb innocent civilians

    2. Both seek a dramatic change in policies of the US; internal and external.

    3. Both have an inordinate number of supporters who are on the wrong side of the law.

    4. both think they talk to god

    5. both are destroying america.
  3. Yet another study in the fine art of character assassination. Karl Rove would be so proud.
  4. Thunder dog character assassination only works if there are things related to an individual which are highly qualified in order of assassinating ones character.

    Assassinating the character of the pope would not work because there are no proven historical facts that would lead to the capable assassination of his character.

    Obama on the other hand has plenty of things that could lead to the assassination of his character. What the undecided voters want is proof that Obama never agreed with Ayers or Wright. The proof is nowhere to be found so the act of assassinating his character is simply instinctual.