The reason why Christianity seems so unrealistic and naive

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by walter4, Apr 29, 2010.

  1. PatternRec

    PatternRec Guest

    Fair enough. With that explanation, I can.
    #31     Apr 29, 2010
  2. John 10:16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen.

    Possibly that could be stating there is life on other planets that Jesus was meant to go to after he died here on earth.

    Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

    A few hundred years ago scientists theorized that we were all made up of atoms and molecules. Things that were not visible to the human eye at the time. Why did they believe this? Through faith. Their faith was proven right and imagine all the skeptics at the time before the technology existed to prove that faith correct.

    Also interesting to note that the bible spoke of this a good 1500 years or so before scientists had faith that what is seen is made of what is not visible.

    The bible is litterally littered with future sciences that most recently came to light in the last 100 to 200 years.
    #32     Apr 29, 2010
  3. Wallet


    Is there life on other planets, possibly. Intelligent life, doubtful. If there is, maybe they didn't eat the apple, lol? It was the premise for an old twilight zone episode.


    It says Man was created in the image of God, personally don't think you'll find that on any other planet. Man by himself was incomplete (this was the first time loneliness had existed) as singularity is not found in God's triune nature - Father, Son in perfect submission and proceeding from both... the Spirit. Notice inside the Trinity exists 1. Individuality, 2. Relationship, 3. Community.a 4th adds nothing.

    A, B in submission becoming as one (today's society has made this a bad word) C in essence and proceeding from A & B.

    So a helpmate was created for the Man, Woman and the two in union became One flesh, and from them life continues and Family exists.

    This pattern is found in all social constructs, marriage, family, church, government, and to add art, literature, music, science ect..... , it reflects the very face of God. You will start to understand why man turning from God seeks to destroy this everywhere it is found.


    John 10:16 deals with the Gentiles, as the Jewish apostles didn't have their hands rapped completely around the idea of "everybody."

    Fwiw, everyone continue on.
    #33     Apr 30, 2010
  4. PatternRec

    PatternRec Guest

    Or more likely refers to the gentiles.

    Your interpretation is problematic here.

    It presupposes that atoms always existed at that God merely formed what was formed by arranging the atoms that existed already. This places God apart from being a first cause. It renders him unnecessary considering that atoms have a natural affinity that manifest under certain conditions. For instance, oxygen and hydrogen have a natural affinity that will form water under certain conditions.

    A better interpretation would be that God literally made everything from a proverbial nothing. I say proverbial because there is no such thing as nothing. Just nothing in the pre-material sense. Moreover, if God is omnipresent, then there is no where to acquire source material from other than from himself. Which would mean that everything is a part of God with God himself as its source.

    Though, your interpretations are curve fit to allow some wiggle room or outright stretches for validation.

    Here's something you ought to consider; faith.

    As Hebrews 11 starts, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    The more you persist in curve fitting for proof, the more you diminish the efficacy of faith. As I understand Christianity, knowledge does not save, faith does. The more you think you know via your method of validating proof, the less faith you can be said to posses.

    You might think you are being a hero for Christ or young Earth creationism by defending the bible against atheists and other oppossers, but you are in fact a coward. Why a coward? Just look at the those listed in Hebrew 11 as being justified by faith? Did they seek proof? Validation? Did Abraham seek proof that God wouldn't allow his son to die? Or did he go up believing that God would somehow keep his promise that he would be the father of many nations through his seed?

    No one can really fault a person for having faith. Who really knows why people believe what they do? And I'm not just talking about religion. It's when people try to justify their faith is when things get ugly and unmanageable.

    If you believe that God created everything in 6 literal days as we know days to be, then fine. Do I think that is not the case? Most definitely yes. So? But when you try to justify such things in the face of certain incontrovertible scientific evidence with an interpretation that cannot hold as the one and only, you look deranged to put it politely. And we're talking about evidence you yourself can acquire and test for once you take the time to learn about such things as radioactive decay.
    #34     Apr 30, 2010
  5. I've learned a lot from ET about the sheer ignorance in which some people live their lives. The one correlation I have found, in all honesty, is between extremist Christian belief and the most mind-boggling naivete.

    You mean in the known universe, right? You think it 'doubtful' that intelligent life exists anywhere in the known Universe except our planet?

    Absolutely, positively un-fucking-believable that anyone without serious cognitive impairment could be so myopic as to hold a view like this.

    It's pointless to ask why. I can only think that in the end, it's somehow related to a belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he Died for our Sins, and then Ascended to Heaven, and will Come Down one day soon and suck all the Believers up to Heaven with him, while the Sinners will Wallow in a pool of Fire And Brimstone.
    #35     Apr 30, 2010
  6. kut2k2


    Keep in mind that these people are the direct spiritual descendants of superstitious ignoramuses who believed their god took several days to create the earth and all things on it but created all the rest of the universe in a single day. The awesome graphic in the OP puts that ignorance in perspective. The question is what kind of modern mind continues to cling to a universe invented by long-dead ignorant flat-earthers despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary now available to everyone from schoolkids onward.
    #36     Apr 30, 2010
  7. Yes, it beggars belief that these people live in the modern world. I have often wondered aloud which comes first - is it religious belief that softens the mind to the point that one could believe (like jem and peil do) that the Earth is 6,548 years old, or is it simply a lack of intelligence which leads to religious superstition?

    I mean, think about it. These men actually, literally believe that the earth is a few thousand year old. In fact, they believe that everything in the Universe is a few thousand years old. There are no words to describe the idiocy, the sheer, mind-numbing stupidity of someone who could hold such a belief. I'm convinced that these are not humans in the sense that we understand the word. They are some sort of sub-species of human, who look like us and can use language. If you could see the world through their eyes for 5 minutes, you would know what it was like to live in prehistoric times.
    #37     Apr 30, 2010
  8. Unlike that Big Bang creation theory, which when confronted with the question of how and why did nothing explode in to something simply says, the theory does not concern itself with that. How convenient!
    #38     Apr 30, 2010
  9. PatternRec

    PatternRec Guest

    See String and M theory.
    #39     Apr 30, 2010
  10. Seen it. Does not answer the question
    #40     Apr 30, 2010