The reality of will be like Japan

Discussion in 'Politics' started by peilthetraveler, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. What part of it don't you get. We have a democratic process in place so that the people can choose their leaders. Not have some elitist left-wing know-nothings tell the rest of us what is good and what isn't. When will get it Pubix.
    #11     Sep 3, 2009
  2. Jefferson advocated for an enlightened electorate. Anybody who says Palin is smart is not "enlightened" She lacks a very basic understanding of US government. For example, she did not know what VP does and thought that the VP actually RUNS the senate. She is dumber than a bag of bricks.

    Those "elitist left wing no nothings" are smarter and more educated than you.
    #12     Sep 3, 2009

  3. She didn't know that Africa was a continent

    She also thought humans kept dinosaurs as pets LOL !!!!:D
    #13     Sep 3, 2009
  4. Can someone please tell her what the VP does :confused:

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    #14     Sep 3, 2009
  5. maxpi


    Sarah Palin speaks for a lot of people but she will never be President or VP... if you can't handle those snarky reporters then you are politically DOA... I don't think Obama could do much better if he had a hostile press though.. it's shaping up like he's about as under qualified as anything we have seen in this lifetime... the stuff he says when his teleprompter is broken or before he was running for POTUS is ALWAYS STUPID.. it's half ghetto black racist /half Alinsky elitist leftist marxist shit... he's the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on us yet.. how he elbowed Mz. Clinton off the stage and took the limelight is still beyond me. I wish I had watched the Democrat side of things while he was doing that.. is there a book out yet on that? Man there was some manipulation going on... or maybe the Clintons just wore out their welcome with Democrats even...

    He talks about his huge racial resent he has going in his books and then Glen Beck calls him a racist and it's like, what? News to everybody?
    #15     Sep 4, 2009
  6. No, DUBYA was the biggest fraud perpetrated on us.
    #16     Sep 4, 2009
  7. You criticize Palin but you are refuse to present anyone to compare her to. So typical.

    Come on twinkle toes, can't you come up just one person?
    #17     Sep 4, 2009
  8. Here is the American way:

    Let me start by saying I work in health and have seen many claims denied for various reason. Most of them pretty lame. I personally had stage four cervical cysts removed a few years ago. For those who do not know that is the stage just before cancer. I know that if I were ever to develope either cervical or ovarian cancer, I would be on my own to get it paid for. I have heard many stories about these types of things and even if you health provider does pay for a service, it can be revoked when they find something in your past history that their own investigators (whom are doctors and private companies) state would have predetermined that you would develope cancer from. a note in your childhood folder saying you had a sunburn and now your 40 and have skin cancer, oh well can't be covered sorry. We need this plan to go through. Yes it will have to be tweeked and primped here and there. But there is never going to be a perfect plan until someone tries to make one work. If my husband was unemployed we'd have to pay much more than we could afford to have some sort of insurance. I want something affordable that takes the cost worry away, don't you. I don't unerstand the fight against something that would protect your family. I sincerely hope this plan passes before I have to see more denials, for petty and unwarrented reasons.
    #18     Sep 4, 2009
  9. More of the American Way of Health Care:
    Carole Santa Rosa, CA
    I can't afford my health insurance anymore. In 2002, after being uninsured for many years, I managed to get myself some health insurance with Blue Shield of CA. I signed up for a high deductible plan ($2400) and also set up a Health Savings Account to put money aside income tax free to pay for what my insurance wouldn’t cover. Naively (and in hindsight likely stupidly) I shared with Blue Shield that a 2.9 cm fibroid was found in my uterus in 2000. (Do you know how small that is?) I have had NO problems whatsoever and this is quite common/normal for many woman. Anyway, Blue Shield refused to insure me at their Tier 1 rate and put me at Tier 3, 56.25% above the Tier 1 rates. In 2002 this didn’t seem so bad it was $69 a month. Well, I have yet to meet my deductible in any year since I have had the insurance. That means I have paid for EVERYTHING out of my own pocket. Blue Shield has continued to jack up their rates on me once or twice a year now to where I am now paying $411 a month for exactly the same insurance. That is a TRULY UNBELIEVABLE increase of about 600% from what I was paying in 2002. My income has not increased 600%!!! I don’t believe health insurance costs have increased 600% in that time either. I am now spending $411 a month on insurance and putting $250 month into a Health Savings Account to pay for what my insurance doesn’t cover. That’s over $660 a month to insure an extremely healthy 42 year old. It is now at the point this outlay is seriously hurting me and I have to find some other option for myself. (Moving to Canada is looking appealing!) It is unconscionable to me that we have an ENTIRE industry that has to make a buck on the care provided to a patient by a practitioner. This should not be a profit making venture!!! We do not need a distributor/middle man for this transaction. I have two clients who just turned 65 and who are quite excited they now have health insurance. Well, what is someone at my age supposed to do for the next 25 years? I have another friend who just got sick with cancer and had catastrophic medical insurance. The insurance company told him cancer wasn’t a catastrophe and they wouldn’t cover his treatment. He had just missed the deadline for filing for Medicare. Please, I encourage you to support reform that can help self-employed individuals like myself have affordable health insurance.
    #19     Sep 4, 2009
  10. When my dad moved to Hollywood from Wales in the 1960s, his view of America was hopeful, if not a bit naive. He believed that this was the land of opportunity and the land of plenty. He worked hard at odd jobs while he pursued careers in film, radio and the stage. Soon though, he and my mom had three children, and his day-dreaming days were over. Because of the high cost of living on the coast, we moved to the midwest where his dreamer mentality and his strange accent were not accepted well. Consequently, he found it difficult to get permanent work. My parents had only one car, forcing him to walk miles every day looking for work. He wore holes in the soles of his shoes doing so without complaint. He suffered a heart attack a few years after our move to the midwest. He was hospitalized without health or life insurance. Two days later, he died. He died in a hospital that wasn't even equipped to handle heartattack patients. He was only transfered to the sister hospital with cardiac facilities as he was already code blue. He was a last priority case, due to our low income status and lack of insurance. If he'd had health insurance, he would have had preventitive care and likely would have not had a heart attack in the first place. I lost my father at aged ten due to the failing health care system in this country. My family was then plunged into deeper debt with medical bills. This event that happened twenty years ago effects my entire family to this day. This is happening every day everywhere in this country. This is more than just a political argument. This is a matter of human lives.
    #20     Sep 4, 2009