The real lesson - 2 billion in campaign bribes

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jem, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. I have a bunch of kids. I am pro-choice for others, it's their business, but I am pro-life regarding my family. I may not agree with the choice made, but who am I to judge what you do with your body.

    I also know the difference between abortifacient and contraception. HUGE difference there. Huge.
    #21     Nov 7, 2012
  2. interesting stats Obama spent 65.8 million attacking Romney, while Romney spent 88.6 million attacking Obama, can an incumbent edge be measured?
    #22     Nov 7, 2012
  3. #23     Nov 7, 2012
  4. jem


    you got to stop with these absurd hit an runs.

    I am stating the administration has called for employer coverage of some forms of birth control which cause or very likely cause the death of fertilized embryos.

    I am telling you that there is no way a free country who believe in the constitution and life and liberty and the dignity of human begins should be imposing such a mandate on human beings.

    I am not arguing about the birth control I am arguing about a govt forcing someone to provide drugs which cause or may cause homicide.
    #24     Nov 7, 2012
  5. BSAM


    Lots of angry people today.
    Kinda nice, though to see ET P&R not being dominated by right wing wackos.
    #25     Nov 7, 2012
  6. BSAM


    BTW, while some of you do, I don't consider the OP of this thread, brother Jem, to be a right wing wacko, even though he did get a bit carried away in his zeal for Romney in his other thread.
    #26     Nov 7, 2012
  7. BSAM


    Right wing wackos are one reason why Romney lost the election.
    #27     Nov 7, 2012
  8. BSAM


    Rush dope fiend Limbaugh and Sean Hannity come to mind.
    #28     Nov 7, 2012
  9. jem


    However, the FDA list of approved contraceptive drugs does include morning after pills, such as Plan B and Ella that can work by blocking a human embryo from implanting in the uterus. When an embryo is blocked from implanting, the embryo dies.

    As the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), citing numerous medical studies, has reported, there are at least seven modes by which emergency contraception can “prevent the implantation or survival of the embryo.”

    Also, in an Aug. 1, 2011 letter about the Obamacare regulation, the USCCB stated, “The drugs that Americans would be forced to subsidize under the new rule include Ella, which was approved by the FDA as an ‘emergency contraceptive’ but can act like the abortion drug RU-486. It can abort an established pregnancy weeks after conception. The pro-life majority of Americans – Catholics and others – would be outraged to learn that their premiums must be used for this purpose.”

    The Obama administration, led by Secretary Sebelius, issued final regulations in February that would force all insurance companies to provide coverage of contraceptives – including morning after pills – without copays, exempting only religious employers that employ and serve members of their own faiths such as churches or seminaries. All other employers and all other individuals, Catholic or otherwise, would be required to pay into health insurance plans that offer abortifacients, artificial birth control, and sterilizations, which are contrary to Catholic teaching.
    #29     Nov 7, 2012
  10. Where did all that 2 billion go? The media, that's where. Simple solution. All candidates get an equal X number hours of free ad time. Then we'll see who get's covered and why. We'll see who is playing favorites and who is playing it straight. Don't expect the 24/7 media to give up that cash cow. All those talking heads are expensive.
    #30     Nov 7, 2012