The real Health Care solution:

Discussion in 'Economics' started by bigarrow, Oct 26, 2009.

  1. Everyone should stop eating meat and foods with high cholesterol, saturated fat and/or trans fat. People should eat only whole wheat products and veggie meats that are high in protein, as well as fruits and vegetables. We need to eliminate refined sugar, caffeine, and tobacco products. Exercise of course should also be done. With all that, healthcare costs would come down for everyone, plus everyone would feel better, live longer, and we would have less fatties here. Slimmer sexier girls would make America more beautiful.
    #21     Oct 27, 2009
  2. ba1


    Sugar, carbs, transfats and inadequate vitamins+minerals are the big problems. You might consider the criticism of current cholesterol (drug sales) theories, such as THINCS.

    Inadequate stomach acid and enzymes (most of all lipase and proteases) are probably the source of problems for meat eaters, rather than "meat is evil" as well as subtle nutrient deficiencies for most people as they age. Excess protein, nitrates, traditional vices (tobacco, alc, drugs, unsafe sex, stress, lack of sleep) are continuing problems too.
    #22     Nov 1, 2009
  3. Americans take more pharmaceuticals than any other country. All have side effects. Many kids under 19 are medicated.
    #23     Nov 1, 2009
  4. Insurance companies' business grows with higher healthcare costs. Don't look to them to partner up with any plan to make people healthier.

    The Medical industry business grows withy higher healthcare costs. Don't look to them to partner up with any plan to make people healthier.

    A quarter of the population is completely fatalistic about health and doesn't believe that diet makes any difference. Don't look to them to partner up with any plan to make people healthier.

    Another quarter resent you telling them what to eat... Don't look to them to partner up with any plan to make people healthier.

    There never will be a coalition with a lot of clout that can make us healthier... vote with your wallet and buy healthy stuff only. In restaurants don't accept the shitty substitutes.. I won't put that substitute creamer shit in my coffee. I had a waitress get snotty with me about being choosy so I asked her what was in it. She couldn't tell me so I told her to drink the shit herself but get me some milk...
    #24     Nov 1, 2009