The Railroading Of George Zimmerman By Barack Hussein Obama

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Jul 9, 2013.

  1. LEAPup


    #11     Jul 10, 2013
  2. pspr


    #12     Jul 10, 2013
  3. LEAPup



    And she's Latino IMO from the news she reads. I'm starting to believe she's got the hots for another Latino, George. I've never seen anyone so obsessed with one person. I bet she'd throw that stanky taco all over George's face given the chance.:D
    #13     Jul 10, 2013
  4. gwb-trading


    Why does South Korea not drug test the pilots who killed two people and injured dozens?
    #14     Jul 10, 2013
  5. LEAPup


    I'm sure Onazi was high often at 17. I can't say much as I smoked the stuff too at 17. However, I quit it before 18, and before I enlisted in the Marine Corps. One thing I NEVER did was attack cops, or neighborhood security people back then. I could at least bs them saying, "sorry sir. im going home" vs attacking them. The black upbringing today is a problem of sick upbringing, and and even sick(er) political correctness that says, "it's ok, you're black. Go ahead and beat the neighborhood watch guy to death as it's allowed if he's not black." Another reason why integration is sadly an epic failure in America.

    I never would have thought in a million years I'd say integration doesn't work years ago, but the evidence is now overwhelming it doesn't work. My Mom and Dad raised me in inner city New Orleans where more than 75% of my class mates were blacks. I'll never forget what it was like fighting my way home each day simply because I was white (Italian.) And that was 30 years ago... On top of that, if I said "niggers jumped me," my Dad would bust my ass for that. My Dad was in in the Army in Vietnam serving with real blacks in 1967-69. My Mom was a Nurse. They were both semi liberals until the last 20 years... Never thought I'd hear them change like they have simply due to anti-American political correctness... The Mom and Dad I now know carry guns to defend themselves against out of control blacks rioting for whatever reasons. They never fathomed that 30 years ago...

    Some of my best friends are black, and my girl friend is mixed black. They ALL despise niggers, but like me, love good black folks. They're allowed to use that word, but at the same time, they like me, hate the fact that this kind of empowered trash exists...
    #15     Jul 10, 2013