The radical moral implications of luck in human life

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by dealmaker, Mar 7, 2019.

  1. d08


    This is a poor excuse to use in a wealthy country.
    The people you mentioned have it well, they can just move to a different part of town or different state. Jobs are plentiful and pay relatively well. Not to mention being a minority can open lots of doors for people in universities. If you're just tough you can get a job working with oil wells and if you work hard, earn a small fortune.

    Compare this to some place like Eastern Ukraine, Cambodia or most of Africa where life is really difficult and none of the options really exist - especially if you're a man.
    #11     Mar 8, 2019
    CSEtrader and Clubber Lang like this.
  2. fan27


    In theory this is true. The problem is if you grow up in a poor neighborhood you run the risk of getting your ass kicked if you perform well in school. This, along with likely being raised by a single mother makes is it very challenging to succeed. But to your point, there are definitely opportunities in the US not found in other parts of the world.
    #12     Mar 8, 2019
  3. d08


    I grew up in a relatively poor country at the time. Lived on the border of the worst neighborhood in the country, went to a school where fights and such were commonplace (really, you just have to fight back) and was raised by a single mother for most of my youth.
    It's all most definitely disadvantageous but most people use it as an excuse to not try. This is especially true in US ghettos where the victim mentality is prevalent, in the rest of the world, people realize that the only option is to try and improve things.
    #13     Mar 8, 2019
  4. d08,

    The discussioin is realated to a young boy or young girl raised in poverty and the odds of sucess. The odds is very low.

    This should be common sense. if you raised by single mom in the ghetto projcets, you start off at the biggest disadvantage in life.

    Listen from 7:12 so you understand better. And imagine yourself 10 years old walking home from school and you face to face with these guys, ready to beat your ass and take what you have. And you talking about "oil rigs". Clearly you hear the young men saying they "taking it". At 10 years old, a young boy know nothing about oil rigs. All you see is negativity every single day. Do you know how hard it is to think positive surrounded about negativity alllll day

    As I said, its better to born with in a good community than a bad community.
    #14     Mar 8, 2019
  5. Yes this true, but you can't overlook the odds of your success being lower than the average.

    Kylie odds of sucess far outsuceeds yours as youngster.
    #15     Mar 8, 2019
  6. Pekelo


    It is not just luck or family, it is also the look. The very average looking son in the family is the poorest, he actually doesn't have anything going on, I think.

    Speaking of look, Kylie changed a lot on hers....Whatever it takes.
    #16     Mar 8, 2019
    SimpleMeLike likes this.
  7. You need to stop believing in the Victim bullshit, d08 said it perfectly... This is especially true in US ghettos where the victim mentality is prevalent, in the rest of the world, people realize that the only option is to try and improve things.

    Yes if you grow up in a single parent house, the odds of developing a mental or personality disorder is much higher then in a two parent functional family... But if you do not want to better your situation and family's at all cost, it's not a financial issue ( poverty ) that is holding you back, it's the lack of work ethic and the bullshit Victim mentality. Nobody gives it to you in life, you gotta go and earn it.

    Some people grow up privileged and just have everything catered into a career, it happens... Good for them, but to think the odds of success are very low cause you grew up poor in the United States, that's a losers mentality. There is no way this is acceptable thinking to anyone who wants to become successful, what are you thinking ?
    #17     Mar 8, 2019
  8. 1:38 until 2:44, David Goggins part is a classic... I have this video in USB stick for the car, I listen to it weekly, whole video is great but listen to Goggins part, then you'll understand your thinking is wrong SimpleLikeMe

    #18     Mar 8, 2019
    SimpleMeLike likes this.
  9. Sig


    There are actually quite a few folks in your "ghetto" who work their ass off a whole lot more than you or I ever have or will. They're taking care of sick or addicted parents or siblings and are a vital but not the only part of a web of support that only exists where they have family. So it's not an option to "just become an oil worker". It's not an option to "just go to school" when you're working 60-70 hours a week just to stay above water. And if you don't win the genetic intelligence lottery, let's face it by definition half of humans have below average intelligence, you're always going to be relegated to shitty low paying jobs, especially if you're stuck in a shitty place....see part 1 above.
    Are there lazy, entitled, victim mentality people "in the ghetto"? Absolutely, about the same number of coal miners in WV or farmers in the midwest or auto workers in the rust belt who all cry about how they're victims and want government handouts and policy designed just to help them. Does that mean that the working poor of the inner cities specifically as a class are only held back by a "lack of work ethic and the bullshit Victim mentality"? Absolutely not, although sad to say that mentality is common among those who have never spent any time with these folks.
    #19     Mar 8, 2019
    oreodips, S-Trader, soulfire and 2 others like this.
  10. Exactly what Sig said.

    EXACTLY what Sig said. Until you lived in the ghetto for +1 years are take the time to acutally sit and talk with these poor kids and men and women, you just clueless.

    Most of you are thinking from a man state of mind, not a poor kids or woman or man. Their minds are really fucked up.

    Good video by the way.
    #20     Mar 8, 2019