The "psychologic refraction period": how our brain works

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by harrytrader, Mar 4, 2003.

  1. When I was 12 I wanted to become an astrophysician. At 16 I wanted to become a neurobiologist. Then at 20 I thought that scientific research can be boredom if you don't find anything if you are not really a genious :D. So I just decided to become an engineer. Nevertheless from time to time I still follow some researchs.

    So I will post here, and others can do it also, some facts about the brain that can be useful to know for trading.

    For example there exists a "psychologic refraction period" that is necessary to treat any elementary token of information. It is at least a few hundreds of millisecond. And our brain is like Windows : it is a false multitask processor but only monoprocessor. So all informations are treated sequentially and take an important time to process.

    That's why in daytrading, above all at sub level scales, one can be stressed if not prepared enough because too much information to treat at high speed.
  2. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight..............:p
  3. An 'astrophysician'? Is it someone who treats astrophysicists?:D
  4. no wally .. actually an astrophysician is a doctor to the stars!:p
  5. A very good book on how the brain processes information, particularly for someone interested in the workings of the brain from a hard core science perspective (physics, information theory, etc.), is 'The User Illusion' by some Dannish writer. Highly recommended.
  6. You might be right, who would bother with astrophysicists...
  7. Why do you make laugh of me :D

  8. a guy can sing and play an instrument at the same time. isn't that multitasking?

    O, I almost forgot. ---->:D
  9. No; our brains are MASSIVELY parallel, much more so than even the most sophisticated computer could ever hope to be. We also have very soft, very fine nerve processes (axons and dendrites), which are not only TINY and branched like a tree, but also very flexible, and unlike the silicon inside a computer, they can wrap around to make connections in our brain that are separated by distances of INCHES with very little loss in speed of transmission. Just like processes inside a computer, the impulses that travel inside our nerve cells approximate the speed of light.

    It is this massively parallel arrangement that allows all of our thoughts and emotions to interact with each other...
  10. Nein nein and nein that is what the mass people imagine that's why I have posted this thread :).

    You can read this fact in last researchers books for example in Edelman (medecine Nobel Prize)
    Book "A Universe of Conciousness (How matter becomes imagination)"

    I have the french version but since you don't like Babelfish ... :D

    #10     Mar 13, 2003