The problems with Prechter's doomsday

Discussion in 'Economics' started by BosyBillups, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. Japan is a nice place, with the best food there is. Takling about depressed stock prices... Dont know, people looked fine there, with genuine happy smiles. Clearly quality of life not decided by stock prices. Maybe japs decided other things are more important in life than money, like no stealing, or less social issues.

    Not having desperate people around cost lots of money and cant be reflected in stock prices. Maybe if there was another exchage for 'quality of life'. Probably there you would see reverse relationship with stock prices....

    more or less: differrent systems or countries is like choosing different pricing plans by your favorite phone company. most of the time you cant switch the plans :D :D
    #11     Oct 24, 2009
  2. i think the biggest problem with prector is that he is never, ever right
    #12     Oct 24, 2009
  3. pspr


    When ever you see something written by Bob Prechter just think Joe Granville. Birds of a feather - long term perma-bears.
    #13     Oct 24, 2009
  4. Maybe the way to view Prechter is as a scare monger with an overlay of technical analysis to legitimize his stories? Is there money in scare mongering? Apparently, he's still in business. I think he got one prediction right, about 1982 when they introduced the 401k's and everybody started buying stocks, his analysis showed that we were in for a bull market...
    #14     Oct 24, 2009
  5. Another problem to add:

    7. In the deflationary bear market bomb, the Dow and the S&P lose 90% of their value from the peak. Yet, the dollar will be in a multi-year bull market, as the need to grab dollars to pay of debts, margin, etc. ensues.

    Okay, I agree that the dollar has reached a bottom with all of the bearish news and views. And yes, if the dollar rallies, the markets will probably pull back a healthy amount. However, with a multi-year strong dollar, the Gov't will have soooo much more power and tools, and probably have no problem writing off consumer loan debts, or sending $10,000 checks to every household... etc.
    #15     Oct 25, 2009
  6. Joe Granville says stock market will go up for next 2 years, CNBC Street Signs, Aug 31, 2009.
    Prechter was bullish last March/April. EWT had their free week recently.

    Easy to verify these yourself.
    #16     Nov 19, 2009

  7. Keep repeating the same thing long enough and eventually you will be proven right ('when' you will be proven right is another matter entirely)
    #17     Nov 19, 2009