The Perfect Platform...Is There One ???

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by ktmexc20, Jan 23, 2004.

  1. Being disappointed after having tried several trading/charting platforms; and reading some ET threads... I pose this question to ye of experience. Is there a platform that does it all (as we would like it to) and not have some crucial element missing that is obviously needed. My latest experience is with Esgnal and was very happy until Pop-Ups and menus were hidden under my layout; am dealing with crashes (1gig Ram, etc); other windows just vanish after being minimized,etc.

    Not to mention they have some nerve charging as much as they do.

    Hopefully, I'm just not seeing the obvious, and there is simple solutions for these fundamental problems.

    Anyway, Is there a platform that can support: multi -charts/symbols/monitors; linked windows,and all the other needed bells and whistles. Esignal is close. but these problems are a total deal killer
  2. eSignal is very solid for me. I have had it crash but that was about a year ago. The problem was in my layout or a chart that I had been using. Rather than try to figure out which it was I just uninstalled eSig, reloaded and set up new layouts and chart. Have not had a problem since.
  3. eSignal has been very SOLID for me. No problems here, and I don't really care for the price either. It costs me $129/mo. Big deal!

  4. However, eSignal is not the perfect platform. They do not even have data on float, block volume, relative volume or put call ratio, Just to name to very basic stuff.
  5. A manageable set up on an average feed is all you need...
  6. My biggest problem is with the pop-up/menu windows getting buried under my layout... Am I always going to have to minimize my window layout to retrieve them? Also, I'm not sure about the crashes... I have IB TWS open(minimized for integrated trading) and usually have about fifty or more symbols in my watchlist.

    BTW... also have Esig Data (500 sym) for when I auto trade with WLD3 ... $219 with Lev II. A bit too much for just data, IMO.
  7. Sorry, I'm not following you. You can set the popup windows to "Stay on Top" so they don't get buried under any window. I'm still a little confused as to what the actual "problem" is

  8. For instance...

    I want to save my recent chart setting or use the edit menu to copy syms to my portfolio, I go to the menu bar and the expanded menu "slides" down to be covered by the window "pinned" directly under the menu bar. Also, I may want to include another column in my quote window and the pop up once again ends up under my arrangement of windows, causing me to take the time to minimize them. Or what if I want to even save a current layout... where does the file pop up widow appear... under the layout I'm trying to save. Hope there a simple solution that I'm not seeing.
  9. ETG is coming out with their all new trading platform next week.
    It will be showcased out of the ETG office in Irvine, California next Wednesday and Thursday with Bruce Tandy conducting demos.

    Level-2, charting features, equity and futures execution, and supposed to be VERY fast. If you are in the area, you might want to check it out.

  10. prox


    There is no perfect platform.. all interfaces will be a bit counterintuitive until you actually use it every day for a month. Then, it will either drive you nuts or you'll learn to love it.
    #10     Jan 24, 2004