The Parasite Class

Discussion in 'Politics' started by futurecurrents, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Right as long as you're okay with us planning you live in poverty.

    If your're not okay with that then you get to stay in govt housing and attend school all fee of charge ( except the part where you die from malnutrition, inability to understand your lessons ie torture).
    Who says re-education is a bad thing
    #11     Dec 9, 2012
  2. I sell, install and repair HVAC systems with my own hands. I create comfort for my customers and they willingly pay for it. And I do it honestly..... which for this business is pretty rare. It's a small one man business and I'm not getting rich but I like it. I'm my own boss. I see the results of my work. If I want to make time to play golf, go for a ride on my Honda or go sailing, or one the other many things I like to do, I find the time to do it. Maybe I haven't actualized my potential, but who has?
    #12     Dec 9, 2012
  3. Then obviously you are ripping off your customers and charging too much because it's EVERYONE'S RIGHT to feel comfortable.

    As a matter of fact we should put you in jail for not providing your services to enough people : since they obviously couldn't afford it or willingly pay.
    #13     Dec 9, 2012
  4. Lucrum


    Putting that environmental science degree to good use collecting garbage are you?
    Life is not fair. Never has been NEVER will be. Deal with it.
    #14     Dec 9, 2012
  5. Oh by the way, the means by which you exploit people "HVAC systems" their use wouldn't be contributing to AGW would they?.

    I mean surely a man of your moral character and knowledge about AGW wouldn't be making money by destroying the earth would you?

    I mean you've already admitted to stealing from your customers by over charging. Then you criminally horde your talent.

    Now you tell us you sell the very mechanisms which you daily pound the table with that CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING.

    What's next we find you have an oil derrick in your back yard?

    Defend yourself, you piece of capitalistic dog shit!
    #15     Dec 9, 2012

    #16     Dec 9, 2012
  7. Funny, I don't recall saying I overcharged or stole. But maybe you're drunk or something.

    The systems I install are far more efficient than the ones they had. Thus I am, in a very practical way, helping to combat global warming. But I am also a capitalist. Guilty? as charged. I have no problem with capitalism per se. Only that alone it is insufficient. Surely you can see that can't you?
    #17     Dec 9, 2012
  8. Sorry for you , in a planned economy YOU don't get to determine what is a fair price, especially when you are providing people with their "rights".

    All profit is stealing, you should go to jail for failing to provide those rights to others because you are obviously not working "ACCORDING TO YOUR ABILITY "
    #18     Dec 9, 2012
  9. That's nonsense, now you are just lying to us (which is a capital offense btw).
    If you sell to someone who's system has broken, you are making things worse, not better.

    If you repair a system , once again you are enabling these idiots to destroy the earth while YOU PROFIT FROM IT!.
    #19     Dec 9, 2012
  10. I know you enjoy taking things to the absurd extreme, but I'm going to go for a run now. I hope you'll be OK without me for a while. Hang in there.
    #20     Dec 9, 2012