The Other Side Of The Arizona Immigration Debate

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, May 7, 2010.

  1. jem


    Living in America is not a right just because you can walk across the border. Being an American is a responsibility and it comes by respecting and upholding the Constitution the law of our land which says what you must do to be a citizen of this country. Freedom is not free.

    great quote.

    Being an American is upholding the constitution. Our country is about the Bill or rights. It is our constitution that contributed to making us great.
    #11     May 8, 2010
  2. What about Democrats in Congress and the Obama Administration? They view the Constitution as asswipe.
    #12     May 8, 2010
  3. jem


    Richard Dreyfuss said on Travis Smiley last night we need to teach civics again.

    American kids need to know what it is like to be an American and why our constitution made us great.

    We must oppose those who are anti constitution.
    #13     May 8, 2010
  4. If sex with children was legal it would immediately end that as well.

    I love liberal logic!
    #14     May 8, 2010
  5. There isn't any widespread killing, billions in pointless bloated budget spending, the routine rape of constitutional rights, and the internment of millions of Americans who haven't harmed anyone but maybe themselves because of sex with children either. However, these ARE all problems caused by prohibition.

    I love republican logic!

    #15     May 8, 2010
  6. Good to see that you are quoting a true liberal...

    "The Republican Party is corrupt through and through.... They’re too adept at thievery, at moving the Constitution into places it never meant to go. I think that they have an extraordinary ability to divide rather than unite. And I think that I am tired of being called a traitor because I like my flag and I like and I support the troops."

    — Actor Richard Dreyfuss on MSNBC News Live, August 27.

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    #16     May 8, 2010
  7. Except that our death rates from drug overdose would skyrocket. Not to mention the mental illness (pyschosis) that comes from prolonged cocaine use. (And i wouldnt leave out pot smokers from that group too. I've seen guys that smoke pot for 20 years that are definately not right in the head.)

    And the violence would only get worse. How many families are broken up over alcohol now? How many kids are beaten every year by drunk ass dad? Now whats going to happen to little timmy now that dad is on a coke binge instead of a beer binge? Whats going to happen with drivers when all of a sudden people are falling asleep at the wheel because they are stoned out of their mind?

    Americans need to stop being such weak minded junkies.
    #17     May 8, 2010
  8. Then we must oppose Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Congressional Democrats, Progressives, and all Leftists.... as well as George W. Bush.
    #18     May 8, 2010
  9. Why don't you just oppose folks who argue from all or nothing fallacy based thought?

    That way you would wear your own straight jacket with some class...instead of just coming off as a rabid parrot...

    #19     May 8, 2010
  10. Most Americans smoke Indica: a depressing species of marijauna.

    If legalized, nobody would smoke that shit: they would smoke Sativa which does not make you sleepy.
    #20     May 8, 2010