The Origins of World War III

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by observer67, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. Funny how people argue about Obama v. Bush.

    Don't you all understand? Both of those presidents were already chosen before their elections were even held. They both serve a purpose for the unique time they are President of the US. Roll out the gunslinging cowboy, then patch things up with the son of a Muslim, all the while increase military spending and accelerate the war(s).

    And let the little people argue as if the two are different. You know what? They may have been different candidates. But when the real powers that be sat them down as they assumed their presdiential roles, they were let in on "how things really work."

    As if we have a say in the Foreign Policy of the world's largest Empire!

    #31     Dec 23, 2009
  2. the1


    Precisely! Very few understand this.

    #32     Dec 23, 2009
  3. GregoryG


    who are these people that control and have decided the elections?
    more importantly, how?

    its very easy to blame everything on a consipiracy and the "unknown" .
    Organized religions has been doing it for a few thousand years and it works. Anytime you question god, or better yet god's plan, the answer is.. god works in mysterious ways...and ... you are not meant to understand god.
    so spare the vague allegories to the "unkown", and be specifc.
    #33     Dec 23, 2009
  4. Ah yes, more saber and menorah rattling about the usual topics in the usual area of interest. Must be a slow trading day. Yawn
    #34     Dec 24, 2009
  5. Yes I do get it. They are both Corporate puppets. That's why I stated in another thread there is no real choice, it the lesser of 2 evils.

    Do I believe this is some Manchurian Canidate thing? No, that's a bit to much Alexx Jones mentality for me. BTW AJ has some valid points but he is as extreme as the religious nuts that watch Fox for the most part.

    I really shouldn't get started with this debate on Christmas. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to all.:)
    #35     Dec 24, 2009
  6. It's a lot more complicated and nuanced than a group of 12 people secretly meeting in a smoke filled room, wearing funny hats and exchanging secret handshakes.

    It's more of an Institutional thing. There are existing power structures in any society - whether it be a city, a town, or a country. But there are also many hyperinfluential individuals. Zbig Brezinski and Carter were both David Rockefeller creations - that's a fact. And no one disputes Soro's roles in the color revolutions in Eastern Europe - read the article. There is nothing conspiratorial or tin foil about this.

    David Korten, in his book "When Corporations Rule the World" explains this pretty well. He calls the elites "stratos dwellers." They don't always get along, they discuss things in forums like the CFR and Trilateral Commission. But at the end of the day, they are a lot more influential than any one President could be.

    I'm just saying that a Global Superpower will have elites that help maintain that superpower's role, and they have an extremely influential effect on any President or election. Nothing Conspiratorial or cloak and dagger about it. Just look at your own town and how its run. You'll see the same names and faces over and over again. It's a human dynamic thing that occurs in every society.

    You also have lifetime bureaucrats in the Pentagon and State Department that know a hell of a lot more about the world than any Presidential Candidate. And when any president takes office, they get a rude awakening about the real dangers and challenges the US faces.

    And don't forget the media. I think it's funny when people complain the media is left wing. In my view, a truly left wing media would be a lot more critical of the US gov't and foreign policy, and I'm talking Noam Chomsky level critical.

    Vox populi is just noise.
    #36     Dec 24, 2009
  7. I don't really see why there would be WWIII.
    But to me there are only 1 or 2 reasons this would happen :

    1) competition for basic resources

    2) the so-called war on terror which has been one of the biggest manipulation of the people by governments since probably Hitler 's false flag destruction of the Reichstag.
    And btw it' s quite amazing that people still believe so strongly that UBL is hiding in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan and plotting attacks. In all likelihood he was killed in the early part of the war. But obviously NO ONE has any interest in telling the world he is dead. Only his family must know. But AFAIK it's pretty obvious he is dead , and if that's correct the govt knows and is just keeping the myth of UBL alive . If you are not asking yourself questions about this , you are an idiot and deserve to be sent to Afghanistan as cannon flesh like the rest .

    IMO most of the developed world has no inclination whatsoever to ever go along with the two or three warmongering nations of the world that have the potential to start WWIII. People are just too pampered by the good life provided by mass consumption capitalism to entertain the idea of going to war. Thank God !

    War will originate either from poor/developing nations or one of the 3 nationalistic /warmongering peoples of this planet ; the USA (perhaps the most dangerous), Russia and China.

    Unless the conservative Right Wing takes over the US government or the Obama administration is set up in one way or another by the Right Wing or the military industrial complex, the US will not be the nation to fear .

    The danger will come from Russia and China which could be brought down to their knees if we actually go into a depression.
    Nationalist sentiments, population upheavals and an ongoing competition for basic resources ( in an environment where some resource prices would still go up ) could combine to fuel an extension of the current Mid East wars started (illegally in Iraq) by the US.
    #37     Dec 24, 2009
  8. WW III will start from within. The Panama Canal giveaway was questionable at first but it all makes sense now....

    I know I will be looking for Part Deux of The "North American Cooperative Security Act."

    The Act was "to direct the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish a program to enhance the mutual security and safety of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and for other purposes."

    Hmmm, for other purposes? You mean to ram up our arses more Chinese goods via Mexico (and provide jobs to their country with their cheap labor) with the NAIPN Initiative?!

    No well in g@#%#$ hell we can let this happen.

    *Edit* The gov't will stage another terrorist attack just like 9-11 to scare us into place, it will blow up in their face and all hell will break loose.

    OBL is eating caviar and drinking Dom with the global elite. Lol.

    Enron and WorldCom were basically forgotten after 9/11. It will take a similar event of misdirection to shift the blame and get the ball rolling on WW III.
    #38     Dec 27, 2009
  9. Many claim it will take WW3 to end our economic troubles*... seems to be a popular notion, yet nobody can explain just how and why a war will do us any good.

    Would you like to give your explanation?

    *poppycock, imv
    #39     Dec 27, 2009
  10. 35 years ago, the Arab world held us hostage to an oil embargo. It was obvious then that we needed a "national energy policy"... you know to reduce or eliminate our dependence on foreign oil. Politicos even mention it from time to time.

    How have we done? Are we not now importing about 70% of our oil needs?
    #40     Dec 27, 2009