the ONE...

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by SNBthetrue, Dec 7, 2009.

WDoes it exist an indivual having 90% of the wealth under his control

  1. yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. no

    2 vote(s)
  1. Hello,

    After watching a lot of documentaries on animals in the wild, I realized that there is always a bigger fish in the sea...

    However, as we are global-human, I think that the same fact could be true for us.

    What are you thinking on the fact that it may exist an indivual having 90% of the wealth under his control ?
    It's the law of scale meaning that everytime you go up in the ladder only 1/10 of the "energy" can go up...
    ( it come from the eagle chasing the rabbits... ) it takes 10 rabbits to sustain 1 eagle...
  2. 1) 0-1.
    2) Societies/people/animals/retards don't tolerate enormous concentrations of wealth for very long.
    3) Taxation/spending/incompetence will eventually redistribute the wealth to the rest of society.
    4) You can be "big". Don't get too big.
    5) Paulson may have achieved the "90%" last September. :cool:
  3. I did need more than 2 hours to understand your point 1)


    I think you are right.
  4. nice move :) syncronized with my voting...