The OIH . . .

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Landis82, Oct 7, 2008.

  1. Without a doubt the single greatest vehicle/group to trade.

  2. Mup


    84.50 looks on the cards
  3. dsq


    ive traded NOV about 6 times so far today...its a crazy mofo today wild volatility....
  4. TT1


    Yeah one of my favs also,, crazy shit!
  5. OIH from 170 - 109 in about a dozen days . . . Lots of gap "up" openings to play too!

  6. Just after 2:10PM NOV just popped from 33.60 to 35.42 in about 7-8 minutes!!!


  7. dsq


    12 round trips on NOV for me..small positions tho...scalping it from long side
  8. Mup


    if it carn't clear that 113.25 area then at test back down to 108.50 looks more likley
  9. OIH is good but i prefer USO --- volatility, liquid, big swings, good OPTIONS volume; proxy to trade Crude futures without being robbed by the vultures in the futures pits and lower margins.

    todays range : 74.13 to 70.78
    52-week hi & lo : 119.17 to 60.19
  10. OIH is servicing some major losses for those who didn't sell
    #10     Oct 7, 2008