The Obama Years....More Debt Than The First 232 Years of the US As a Nation

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Feb 4, 2009.

  1. Mercor


    After 9/11 Things were bad. In fact the unemployment numbers of todays are only matching the ones in the months after 9/11

    Bush was always positive, never talking negitive about the economy like Obama does. Bush kept saying the answer is to keep shopping. The Liberials kept saying it was unAmerican to promote shopping in time of war, but it did save the economy and we had the one of the longest expanision on record.

    Obama is scared stiff. He hasn't a clue. All he does is cry about this situation.
    #11     Feb 5, 2009
  2. This is why Bush is a moron, and explains why you worship him.

    Keep drinking that GOP kool aid.

    This country needs a savings binge, not a spending one, now more than ever.

    Can you say 'national debt?'
    #12     Feb 5, 2009
  3. They spent more money in the first 8 days then in total cost of both gulf wars.

    That nut Michael Savage is starting a campaign for people to put "impeach obama" bumper stickers on cars.
    #13     Feb 5, 2009
  4. Mercor


    Fool, I am not saying the same message is the answer. Obama needs to find his soultion and promote it in a positive confident way, not everyday out there saying the world is going to end.

    Bush's solution was to build confidence behind consumer spending. Bush kept saying it was safe to travel , safe to go out to restaurants and movies. He avoided scaring the public.

    If the answer now is for savings, let obama get out there and promote savings in a postiive way. Obama actions certainly don't support a savings solution.
    #14     Feb 5, 2009
  5. moarla


    all fucking Bush lovers , look back: as democratics was on govermant, debt was going down or stop riusing. reps spend money as much as they can.
    Hope all you there got killed by your ignorance
    #15     Feb 5, 2009
  6. Mercor


    Hey Moarla,

    If you able to read, read the title to this thread. Obama in 8 weeks more debt then 232 years combined.
    #16     Feb 5, 2009
  7. moarla


    did not see any spending right now in 2009...fact is bush jr. was the worst money wasting president ever..AND THAT IN "GOOD" TIMES . google it. Now we know all was only hot air ... hahahahah

    #17     Feb 5, 2009
  8. Obviously you have to look at percentage of GDP spendings. Also there's no doubt he has to spend because of the economic problems already in place on day 1 of his administration.
    #18     Feb 5, 2009

  9. Obama needs to go since he has proven to be a stooge of the same masters of Bush. Anyone who thinks republicans should be back in power should be tied up and thrown off a cliff. republicans are a worse cancer than any democrat will ever be.

    There needs to be a viable third party operating outside the clutches of masters of the universe.
    #19     Feb 5, 2009
  10. Mvic


    Just think of the battles that are being fought for this pile of treasure, the lottery tiickets that people are holding will make them press the greedy puppets in washington to get their bit of bacon included. Why don't they drop the millions of jobs crap, who do they think they are fooling?

    If passage doesn't look imminent I am sure that the market masters will oblige by selling it down to scare everyone enough to give the senators "cover" for the eventual passage of free money for all the connected.
    #20     Feb 5, 2009