The Next Trend In USA Alcohol

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TGregg, Sep 28, 2003.


    Mexico threatens to cut off all bulk exports of Tequila to the USA...
    #11     Sep 29, 2003
  2. not only is demand increased for tequila pressuring supplies for the agave (the plant) but it was already in short supply due to farmers in mexico not growing it for a number of reasons such as pricing and protests....
    the agave plant takes years to cultivate so the trouble is once it became popular it was difficult to make up even if they planted acres and acres today.... (i live in the southwest, hear all about it all teh time)
    #12     Sep 29, 2003
  3. lets name other funny alcohol trends that DIDNT make it.....

    my favorite stupid alcohol product was: Old English mint flavored malt liqour... by far the nastiest liquid ever devised... tasted like you were brudhing your teeth while sipping beer (hey, we were in college and we bought a pallet for real cheap, we had it lingering in our house for months)

    im sure ill think of more....
    #13     Sep 29, 2003