The New Zero Interest Rate World

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Nov 2, 2008.



    Seeing how many of the world's stock markets will have to advance over 100 to 200% just to break even to the numbers just a few months ago......

    And also realizing that the short term rates being at close to zero.....the future will only reward those who can....


    The solution.........

    A New World Wide Stock Exchange

    Why ?

    Because stock is no interest non obligatory debt.....the most efficient capital in the world....

    The technology is in place to make stocks available to every personal computer that has internet access....who in turn can place a price between the bid ask prices with a 100 shares....

    Furthermore, the 100 shares can be bought for 20 cents or less....


    And the real reason ?

    Stocks are one of the very few assets that can price assets at work.... at the highest valuation.....

    What was $1...can go to $100....

    Debt will never have this capability......

    And stock is the best means to distribute wealth....


    If the world wants a has the tools in place..... commence the games.......

    Or governments can act as panderers and leaders of diseased socialist growth.....