The new World order.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jerry11901, Mar 28, 2007.

  1. Thanks for this contribution.

    Bottom line: There is confusion about what is to be saved, and how to save it.

    Those who believe the world is real and made by God as part of His Kingdom, will spend their energies trying to make the world work by bringing yet more "order" out of chaos. This is done in the interest of "peace".

    But the world is not a part of God's Kingdom. Rather, it is the antithesis of the Kingdom, and compromise does not work. Simply put, bodies, and all the maintenance they require, are not an idea of God.

    Salvation is for the mind that thinks bodies are "home" to God's creations. Such a mind needs healing, because it is sick. Spirit, unlimited and free is the natural state of God's creations. Return to spirit is not dependant upon "death" or time. It is dependant upon decision for truth.

    Salvation is for the mind that makes chaos, and attempts to bring order out of it using ways and means strange, chaotic, and substituted for God's creation. The world itself is an attempt to bring order out of chaotic thought. This theme continues -logically - toward one world government. It may bring a kind of "peace", but it will not be true peace.

    God does not allocate parcels of earth to anyone for inheritance. He did not make the earth. He does not recognize it as something to be fought over.

    The inheritance God gave everyone equally has nothing to do with space/time/form which is based on a belief in scarcity. Miracles undo the idea of scarcity, and so miracles are strewn along the path back Home. They solve problems and reorient your perceptions in line with the abundance of His Kingdom.

    But if the motive is to make a separate Kingdom outside of Heaven, scarcity will remain a problem, and the solutions will remain strange.

    #11     Apr 2, 2007
  2. Open borders with South America? This country will be flooded with emigrants!:eek:
    #12     Apr 2, 2007
  3. borders are wide open already. and that explains why the war on terror is a giant hoax. country been sold to for scraps to corps. all this been done in secret because the NWO knows americans would revolt if they really knew what's going on....try ask anyone if they know about the au, nafta, spp, gatt and see how many will give u a straight answer.
    #13     Apr 3, 2007
  4. How are they going to disarm as? Or they will inspire as to domestic war?
    #14     Apr 3, 2007

  5. You dont have to disarm anyone, if no-one knows exactly who to shoot at.
    #15     Apr 3, 2007
  6. Just curious. Have you ever been to the U.S?

    Didn't think so.

    You need to get out a bit more......
    #16     Apr 3, 2007
  7. There is a defense that does not involve personal firearms. "Don't give up your firearms", is advice that will backfire. If they want your guns, they will get them, just like they got your gold. If they can't get them, small firearms won't work any more than they worked on Ruby Ridge.

    Knowledge is power. So your power is relative to psychology. It would not be wise to wait till your back is up against the wall to begin investing in mindshare.

    Problems creep in because innocent beings regard themselves as guilty, and secretly punish themselves. Minds are joined, and make agreements on deeper levels. Punishment looks like it comes from someone else...but that is projection. It comes from inside you. Guilt is your enemy.

    A realization of total innocence is rare but achievable because it is true for everyone. This changes the script you've written for yourself as punishment for imagined guilt.

    It's important to realize the world is a picture of your state of mind. Change your mind and change what you see and experience. This is your best defense. This defense cannot be turned against you, like every other defense.

    Think about it. You've defended your country with guns. Is it any surprise that your country has turned on you and is coming after you and your little handguns? If it did not work before, what makes you think it will work now?

    This is a general message not addressed to any particular individual.

    #17     Apr 3, 2007
  8. Sam321


    If you believe the war on terror is a hoax, then you must also believe global Islamic totalitarianism doesn’t exist...

    I hope you're not an American. Otherwise, people like you must never have power. Ever.
    #18     Apr 4, 2007
  9. Ironically, you live in this country and are completely oblivious to its realities. Sh*t, I live in NYC, what I do not even consider the real America, and I see a lot of the problems, mainly watching this country go down the drain.

    I do not necessarily support Bitstream and his views, but he makes a very accurate observation:

    "try ask anyone if they know about the au, nafta, spp, gatt and see how many will give u a straight answer."

    And this country has been run by the corporations for quite a while. It's just business.
    #19     Apr 4, 2007
  10. Anyone with a semblance of intelligence realized that America is a Corporacy.

    There used to be a time when there was a unity in this country, whereby people seemed to truly want to promote a meritocracy, and they truly loved this nation. They could have been politicians, or captains of industry, or generals.

    Eisenhower comes to mind as such a person.

    Profit wasn't frowned upon, but it was used as a motivating tool to promote greater good, rather than an end in and of itself, sacrificing the highest principles on the alter of greed in the process.

    All that has gone down the toilet as complete and total avarice has overwhelmed any notion of national loyalty or collective good.

    Everyone wants to take as much as they can, and screw everyone else. Last man standing. Every man for himself.

    And any structure of moral, righteous leadership has evaporated.
    #20     Apr 4, 2007