The New South America Union.

Discussion in 'Economics' started by SouthAmerica, May 24, 2008.

  1. .

    Raptor Deus: "Are you seriously that stupid?"


    SouthAmerica: The only stupid person here is you. You are the one who is comparing Hugo Chavez with Hittler.

    Maybe you don't know Adolph Hittler's story.

    All the Brazilians that I have talked about the SAU subject agree that Brazil should continue by itself, and most don't care if the other Spanish countries of South America unite into a new Spanish Union.

    Obviously, Hugo Chavez is the leader of that group.

    From a Brazilian point of view we don't care who is the leader of the Spanish group - Hugo Chavez or the native indian from Bolivia Evo Morales.

    #21     May 26, 2008
  2. Precisely my point.
    That is why he is incapable of retracting a comment.

    Just plain silly.

    #22     May 26, 2008
  3. Quote from southamerica:

    May 25. 2008

    SouthAmerica: Regarding Hugo Chavez and Simon Bolivar.

    I said: "It would not bother me if Hugo Chavez became the leader of that new group of countries – the new Simon Bolivar."

    Your opinion and $2.50 still wouldn't buy a good latte.

    Hugo Chavez sees himself as the new Simon Bolivar of the Spanish world in South America and his goal is to unite the countries that used to belong to the Spanish Empire.

    Hugo is a loose, self-centered cannon. He manages to alienate countries that previously had decent relations with Venezuela. Then he tries to get himself installed as a longterm leader, against the countries existing laws. He probably didn't expect to lose, but he was embarrassed by the failure of his inappropriate methods. He uses the oil wealth of his country to curry favor with other teapot leaders (serious discounts, etc.), stealing the wealth from his own citizens. Many of whom are not all that thrilled with his largesses at their expense.

    Let me clarify one more point because most people don't have a clue about the history of most South American countries including Brazil.

    You seem among them.

    First, Brazil was not part of the countries that used to belong to the Spanish Empire. Brazil was a colony of Portugal from the year 1500 up to 1822.

    DUH. REALLY? Is THAT why they speak Portuguese??? DUH.

    Simon Bolivar had absolutely nothing to do with the history of Brazil - but he is an important figure regarding the history of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Bolivia. Jose de San Martin was the liberator of countries such as Argentina, Chile, and Peru.

    In Brazil my ancestor Jose Bonifacio de Andrada e Silva was the main figure in Brazilian history regarding Brazil's independence from Portugal.

    Your ancestors were more likely the leaders of many retreats into the woods...

    In my opinion, it is Hugo Chavez business if he decides to unite Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Bolivia into one country.ón_Bolívar

    He has a funny way of showing it. Ecuador has a spat with Colombia, so Hugo sends Venezuelan troops to the Colombian border with his saber rattling. And it is likely he did have a hand in some anti-Colombian support.

    If another San Martin comes along who decides to unite Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Peru - it is also fine with me.

    Well, thank goodness it has your clueless support.

    The new Clueless Calendar from SouthAmerica. $7 each or 3 for $25...

    #23     May 26, 2008
  4. An economic union does not need to have a 'political leader'.
    Hitler was a leader of a nation. Chavez is a leader of a nation.

    Nation? Economic union? get it? lol
    #24     May 26, 2008
  5. .

    Raptor Deus: He didn't make a silly comment. That's how he 'thinks'.


    May 26, 2008

    SouthAmerica: Here is my silly way of thinking and also of most of the Brazilians that I know.

    First if you are going to create a new Union with other countries - you want to create a union with countries that are in good shape financially or that have good prospects for the future.

    It is one thing to create a union with countries of the first world such Germany, and France - it is another thing to create an union with backward countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, and so on...

    Brazil already has a lot of poor and uneducated people inside their borders - I ask why Brazil would want to belong to a group of countries that would have 3 times the number of poor and uneducated population than Brazil?

    When I look around South America with the exception of Uruguay and Chile I see countries overflowing with poverty and an uneducated population.

    When we talk about the bric's we are talking about the future - the 21st century.

    When we are talking about the SAU we are talking about the 1800's or even longer.

    I know the Incas had a great civilization on its day, but that is not what I want for the future of Brazil.
    #25     May 26, 2008
  6. sa. You have a natural flair for the obvious.
    The German people said that if an EU was formed, then Portugal would be the beneficiary... and it turned out that they were quite correct.

    You are more than entitled to your opinion on any public platform, nobody says otherwise.

    It was your silly comment with regard to Chavez and your following inability to accept your error that brands you silly and irrelevant.

    #26     May 26, 2008
  7. .

    May 26, 2008

    SouthAmerica: At the end of the day...

    Brazil is finally finding all the oil and gas that Brazil will need in the future.

    Brazil it is already twice as big than the European Union – in terms of size.

    Brazil has most of the natural resources required for future economic development.

    The Brazilian government is in terrific shape financially. The sky is the limit for Brazil in the coming decades.

    The countries that used to belong to the Spanish Empire have many things in common, but Brazil has a completely different mindset about a lot things.

    I mentioned above about Uruguay just to clarify to the people who are reading the postings on this forum the fact that Uruguay used to belong to Brazil and it was not part of the Spanish Empire. The Brazilian roots might have helped Uruguay to develop into a first class country.

    I am not suggesting that Brazil should take Uruguay back – Uruguay is doing fine on its own.

    Brazil has 50 percent of the territory of South America, and 50 percent of the population. It makes sense for the Spanish countries of South America to unite and create the new Spanish Union of South America – as a union they would have the other 50 percent of South America. By the way, that new Spanish Union of South America would have a territory twice as big than the current European Union.

    Brazil and the other countries of South America don’t fit together since we have a complete different mindset just about everything.

    And if necessary to stop this non-sense of a SAU that includes Brazil – we might need to have a new revolution in Brazil and place the generals back into power to keep Brazil out of this new SAU.

    I am not against the formation of the South America Union for the other countries of South America as long as Brazil is not part of this new political set up.

    #27     May 26, 2008
  8. Remarg


    boy, Brazil got oil, gas, everything but culture. Take a look to argentine to learn a little, great educated people.
    #29     May 26, 2008
  9. .

    Remarg: boy, Brazil got oil, gas, everything but culture. Take a look to argentine to learn a little, great educated people.


    May 26, 2008

    South America: OK you guys can dance tango - and also can play some good soccer.

    About 100 years ago Argentina was listed among the ten most important economies in the world.

    Today Argentina is lucky if its economy is ranked among the first 100 economies in the world.

    It is very insulting of you to suggest that Brazilians have no culture.

    Your supposed culture did nothing to help you to keep your country from going bankrupt a few years ago.

    Or to prevent your country getting your ass kicked by the British right on your backyard - Falkland Islands.

    When anyone thinks about your country only two things comes to mind tango and soccer and nothing else.

    If anything Argentina is a has been country, on the other hand Brazil is becoming the country of the future. And what a spectacular future Brazil has in store and it is arriving at the speed of light.


    #30     May 26, 2008