The New Psychology of Trading

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Duref Mudgins, May 29, 2008.

  1. Odd that you all should mention that. I started trading one minute so I could get inside those opaque five minute bars. And to get out of the absurd pattern of forecasting the volume at the end of the bar? I mean, why? When you can see it forming in real time. I have recently also added a 30-second chart to get inside of 1-minute, because I see interesting patterns there. You know, like, the first half of the minute is different from the second half? Haven't totally fingered it out, but I'm working it!

    Fearless, your new software could really help me out. More and more I find myself composting long posts on ET just when the market is making big moves. People are beginning to think I don't actually trade. I admit I am a garrulous (guruless)? old fart. But I love the sound of my own voice inside my head as I read my posts back to myself, typos and all. Could you add functionality to search my old posts, and randomly string sentences from them together for my new posts? I say the same things over and over anyway, so I doubt ET could tell the difference. Thanks!
    #91     Jun 1, 2008
  2. Might take a wee while TJ.
    We have the monkeys on double shifts and the price of bananas has gone through the roof.

    Anyway the button will be beta tested and while we wait we welcome any input for a name....

    "the tic that never was"
    "the bloody charts must wrong"
    "ib" simple yet so effective
    "the stop that moved"

    I just cannot believe the demand that Duref's thread has generated

    f9 now over worked
    #92     Jun 1, 2008
  3. Hola, Nao Temer! I don't come here much any more, like the French say, it makes my teeth hurt. But, wow, the ratings are stunning! I love that new feature!

    I would like to trade "with no stop needed". Can you do that for me? Stops are such a nuisance! A truly clever trader should not need them.
    #93     Jun 1, 2008
  4. Hola JM

    I think that all your problems would be solved by switching to a one tic range bar chart and trading before the bar closes like all the other losers.
    Try inside and outside bars as a signal

    Just happy to help
    #94     Jun 1, 2008
  5. I think you will be delighted with our hindsight trading.
    You already have the facility to trade to 110% accuracy without stops as indeed real men should.
    It is the button "chuck norris"

    The other button also attached to the 110% success rate allows your stop to be set 1 tic outside the extreme price.
    This one is labeled "clever bugger"

    Both are attached to the self congratulatory add-on module.

    #95     Jun 1, 2008
  6. After all these years of reading Jack, I am still struggling with how to use the concept that the day trypically has four distinct phases. Jack reiterates that so often (actually he reiterates EVERYTHING often) that it must confer some trading benefit. He rarely elaborates, however, so I have been obliged to "do the work", and here's what I did.

    Let us accept that each day has four phases. At the open therefore we have four possibilities. Next we have four more, und so weiter, for a total of 256 possible shapes to a day. Now to comprehend this, because I have to talk myself through everything, I am a verbal mathematician, I assigned the letter S to a sideways (flat) segment, U to an up (rising) segment, and F to a falling (down) segment. The logic behind these choices is to maximize the pronounceability of the various types of day.

    So, a day which starts out up, falls, goes up again and then is sideways is an UFUS day. You can see the utility therefore of calling a particular day FUUU or UUUF or FUUS or SUFU or SUUF, usw.

    So, Herr Furchtlos, here is my request. Jack says that the fair value at the open is significant. That the time to achieve synch is significant. That the direction of the overnight move is significant. Can you take all these factors, and tell me at the open what the day will be like? The whole thing hurts my head, and I just want trading to be EASY. If I know it's going to be a FUFU day, I'll just do something else.
    #96     Jun 1, 2008
  7. Y'all wunt be so feerless ifn ah gots a hole a yew! But yas, ah wants know de shape a da day to. De boyz cums a pourin' outa dem scrapers an inna MY street, ah wants know what dey be wantin. A UUUU day? Dey goan wants Cassie onna top. A FFFF day? Cassie be goin down a lot. A SSSS day? Ain goan gib dis gal nooooo trubbl, dey be drunked up fo dey eben gits hear. So, yas, DO it big boy fum Buenos.
    #97     Jun 1, 2008
  8. EK,

    We have just been receiving news of the most wonderful level.
    The monkeys in Mumbai have reduced your 256 daily combinations to just three.
    Thanks to "Peter Pan away-with-the-faeries" and some sheer monkey brilliance we are pleasuring to tell that at the open you only have FUS.
    Yes yes , you indeedy did read it correctly.
    Instead of the market undertaking 256 directions to the close it is now only FUS (falling, up or sideways.

    Please please no need to thank me, the pleasure was all ours
    f-9 now completely lost it
    #98     Jun 1, 2008
  9. Forever and ever? Amen!
    #99     Jun 1, 2008
  10. My goodness! What is with the Psych forum that it can't tolerate a little fowl language? Some of most eloquent and profound posts are also filthy. Bias against those mentally and socially challenged by Tourette's! Not to mention MPD!

    Do I have to post a trade or a chart to be able to express myself honestly?

    What a pain! The attached trade was achieved without using SCT, and of course used NONE of the tools revealed in this thread, which are all very pretty but equally useless. Times are PT.
    #100     Jun 2, 2008