The most depressing graduation speech ever. Compliments of Al "full of hot air" Gore

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Hello, May 25, 2010.

  1. Mnphats


    True, but hypocrites tend to lose value in their message.
    #21     May 26, 2010
  2. I don't begrudge Al Gore his material possessions. But I do think it's ridiculous for him to be telling other people to conserve when he burns as much fuel in his Gulfstream jet in one round-trip across country between his homes as most people burn in their cars in 7 years.

    Do the math on this one. The distance from Gore's home in Nashville to his home in Santa Barbara is about 1800 miles, or roughly a four-hour flight. His GII jet burns about 500 gallons per hour. So he's burning 2000 gallons of fuel each way, or 4,000 gallons on a single round-trip. The average American burns about 600 gallons of fuel in his/her car in an entire year. So in a single trip Al Gore dumps as much CO2 into the air as the average American driving a car does in 7 years. And that's just one round-trip! Multiply that times the number of trips he makes and the total CO2 numbers are huge.

    Somebody please explain to me how somebody who lives like Al Gore can lecture other people on the need to conserve.

    #22     May 26, 2010