The "Missing Slide": JPM Credit Card Charge-Offs Surge To Six Year High

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Error Correction Funder, Apr 13, 2018.

  1. UsualName, destriero and Maverick1 like this.
  2. destriero


    Good pickup, thanks.
  3. vanzandt


    The sky is always falling at Zerohedge.
    Get long tin foil.
  4. No problem.

    Any time.
  5. UsualName


    The brick and mortars are getting killed in the mortgage arena by the fin-tech companies offering lower rates. Add that to declining mortgage apps and car sales and brick and mortar banks aren’t doing business anymore.

    I was reading about how soft bank is looking to invest hug sums of money in fin-tech start ups as consumers are becoming more comfortable applying for loans off internet sites like lending tree.

    The big banks don’t look good going forward, imo.
  6. destriero



    Chase does very little "last mile" mort-lending. I mean, sure they do, but they are an MBS shop. They buy more loans than they originate.

    Just saying that QuickenLoans is not the problem.
  7. Overnight


    Vanz, for shame, you failed your physics lessons. You need THICKER tin-foil, not longer. :)
    vanzandt likes this.